CFP 13.01.2018

JHNA, Proposals for Digital Art History Projects

Eingabeschluss : 28.02.2018

Alison Kettering, Carleton College

JHNA (Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art) is applying for a Digital Humanities Advancement Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. If successful, we will receive three bursaries of $10,000 each to develop and publish three digital art history projects. One project from each of the following areas of investigation will be selected:

1) Network Analysis:

Use of data analytics programs (e.g., Gephi, Network Workbench) to investigate connections among particular groups or individuals, such as artists, writers, art dealers, art markets and other networks of exchange;

2) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Mapping:

Use of maps in concert with data sets (e.g., depictions of sites, location of objects, paths of travel) through online programs like MapBox, Timemapper, or Neatline in order to investigate change over time and space;

3) High-Resolution Imaging and Dynamic Image Presentation:

Use of panoramic or high-resolution imagery to view, for example, panoramas, conservation images (x-radiographs, infrared reflectography), or moving images; also digital facsimiles of longer works, such as albums or sketchbooks.

For submission details, please consult the article submission guidelines on the JHNA web site ( In addition to a one-page proposal outlining the scope and aims of the project, please include:

A) a reference to the means of accessing the digital resource that will accompany the manuscript (e.g., a link or jump drive);

B) a projected budget (totaling $10,000); and

C) a two-page proposal outlining how the article would be presented within the JHNA framework, describing:

a) the technical support available at the author’s institution (digital humanities unit, librarians, web and software developers, designers),
b) the appropriateness of the technology used, and
c) a projected timeline of the research and development of the article.

Submissions should be directed to the JHNA Editor-in-Chief, Alison Kettering, at by February 28, 2018. Applications will be reviewed by the Editorial Board of JHNA and two outside peer reviewers, including a digital humanities specialist. Successful applicants will be notified by March 31, 2018. If funding is received, selected applicants will be expected to work with JHNA through mid-2020 to develop and publish their project. Please note that award recipients must be members of HNA at the time of receiving the award.

CFP: JHNA, Proposals for Digital Art History Projects. In:, 13.01.2018. Letzter Zugriff 13.03.2025. <>.
