CONF Apr 26, 2017

Engaging with Screens: Art, Archive, Book (Loughborough, 31 May 17)

Loughborough University, United Kingdom, May 31, 2017

Kathryn Brown

Interdisciplinary Workshop:

Engaging with Screens: Art, Archive, Book

This interdisciplinary workshop invites participants to debate ways in which readers, publishers, archivists, and curators engage with the computer screen and its technologies for the purpose of accessing, preserving, and displaying textual material and paper artefacts. Is the persistence of books and book-like forms in the digital ecology an obstacle or necessity to our understanding of screen-based media? How far can innovative, digital forms stray from their recognizable counterparts in the analogue world before they become too alien for users? Can engagement with a screen effectively replace tactile engagement with a paper manuscript?
The aim of the workshop is to explore mechanisms for the bibliographical ‘control’, display, and archiving of textual media in a digital environment; to develop a critical vocabulary for the purpose of examining the ontology and phenomenology of paper artefacts that migrate to screens; and to debate strategies for the preservation and display of digital and digitized texts. By looking for common ground in a collaborative, cross-disciplinary forum, we seek to provide a new account of textual ‘form’ and its accessibility in the digital environment.

To book a place:

Standard delegate rate is £15 (includes refreshments and lunch)

9:00 Arrival and Coffee

9:30 Welcome and Introduction Kathryn Brown and Wim Van Mierlo

9:45 Douglas Dodds (Victoria and Albert Museum): From Analogue to Digital: Engaging with Computer-Generated Images and Text at the V&A

10:30 Julia Thomas (Cardiff University): Engaging with Illustrations: Word, Image, Digital

11:15 Break

11:30 Kathryn Brown (Loughborough University): Contingent Texts: Playing with Digital Artists' Books

12:15 Clive Izard (Armadillo Software): Beyond Turning the Pages: Interpretive Technologies and Audiences

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Katharina Karrenberg (Artist): Reflectography: Migrating between Drawing and Photography

Anna Dot Verdaguer (Universitat de Vic/Universitat Central de Catalunya) and Pablo Santa Olalla (Universitat de Barcelona): ‘Arxiu/AM’: The building of an Archive for Antoni Muntadas’ Works

Ahren Warner (Loughborough University): … chaque fois qu’une image, d’elle-même: On the Screen as Generative and Degenerate

15:00–15:15 Discussion

15:15–15:30 Break

15:30–16:10 Gabriel Egan (De Montfort University): Who’s Emptying Your Trashcan? Version Control in the Age of Digital Forensics

Clare Hutton (Loughborough University): James Joyce’s Ulysses as a Digital Object

16:10–16:25 Discussion

16:25–16:45 General Discussion

CONF: Engaging with Screens: Art, Archive, Book (Loughborough, 31 May 17). In:, Apr 26, 2017 (accessed May 19, 2024), <>.
