Art Institutions & Performance Art
International workshop for PhD candidates
Since the turn of the 20th century, art of the so called post-war era has increasingly become subject to historicization. Especially for performance art it seems, the interest in its potential of institutional critique has shifted towards an interest in the circumstances of its institutionalization. The status of performance documents for example has been discussed at length (see P. Auslander; A. Jones; M. Widrich), so have implications of re-enactments and re-performances (see H. Higgins; A. Lepecki). By now it may have become clear, that in order to secure performance art’s rightful place in art history, ongoing translations and transformations have to be taken into account. This peer-to-peer workshop asks for the role of art institutions in this transformational process and aims at discussing relevant perspectives, methodologies and theoretical frameworks and their application to concrete case studies.
Though primarily addressing PhD candidates in art history, the workshop is open to all scholars in early career stages who work on similar phenomena.
Workshop program:
The two-day workshop will start off with a reading retreat on June 22. Participants will discuss general and methodological aspects concerning performance art and institutional contexts. Participants' suggestions for texts to be discussed are encouraged. On June 23, the workshop will focus on case studies presented by the participants. Presentations will be held in English and should not exceed 20 min. Presenters will take turns in chairing each other's presentations. Abstracts of the papers will be pre-circulated.
All presentations should be concerned with perspectives on art institutions and performance art (as well as performing arts and other artforms including live elements). Topics might include, but are not limited to:
- transformations, compromises and extensions
- artistic reactions to art institutions
- the role of various actors within museums and institutions
- questions connected to collecting, preserving and exhibiting
- questions of authority and power relations
- museums and institutional (self-)critique
- the role of biennals, art fairs and the art market as “art institutions”
Submission of proposals should include the following:
- The applicant's name, institutional affiliation and short academic CV in English (max. 100 words)
- A description of the PhD project in English or German (max. 1 000 words)
- A short abstract of the particular topic the applicant would like to discuss in his or her paper in English (max. 250 words + title)
- Applicants may send their reading suggestions for the retreat along with their proposals or at a later date
Optional program in addition to the workshop:
- Lecture by Prof. Dr. Mechtild Widrich (SAIC Chicago) “Performative Monuments” on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 6 pm. (Lecture may be delivered in German)
- Joined visit to documenta 14 in Kassel on Saturday, June 24, 2017
Up to eight travel grants including two overnight stays in Giessen (22 – 24 June 2017), as well as a partial re-imbursement of travel cost are available. Please state your needs with your application.
Applicants are asked to submit their proposals by April 11, 2017 to
Letters of acceptance will be sent by April 18, 2017
CFP: Art Institutions & Performance Art (Giessen, 22-23 Jun 17). In:, 14.03.2017. Letzter Zugriff 24.02.2025. <>.