CFP Oct 19, 2016

Photographies journal (London, 18-19 May 17)

London, UK, May 18–19, 2017
Deadline: Nov 14, 2016


Photographies journal: Critical Issues in Photography Today
International Conference
Venue: University of Westminster (Central London), UK

On the occasion of our tenth anniversary, photographies journal is holding a conference aiming to bring together thinkers and photographers in discussion on photography today. We invite papers to revisit our original agenda in the light of photography now:
photographies seeks to construct a new agenda for theorising photography as a heterogeneous medium that is changing in an ever more dynamic relation to all aspects of contemporary culture. photographies aims to further develop the history and theory of photography, considering new frameworks for thinking and addressing questions arising from the present context of technological, economic, political and cultural change.
We further invite you to make submissions that address:
- photography as a heterogeneous ‘medium’
- new frameworks for thinking photographic practices and industries of photography,
- examine contemporary uses and currencies of the photographic image within local/global contexts
- identify and developing (emergent) critical debates and practices
- reflect on critical theoretical issues in relation to photography education.

Each day will include discussions by members of the journal’s advisory board.

Conference Conveners
Professor David Bate,
University of Westminster,LondonUK,
Professor Liz Wells, Plymouth University

Conference Administration
University of Westminster & Plymouth University

The call for 20-30 minute papers is now open.
We encourage photo researchers to submit a practice and/or research based abstract of no more than 350 words that relate to:
- New debates and developments in photographytheory;
- Speculative ideas and currencies in photography;
- Geographies of representation: borders, space, place and migration, movement, dislocation, memory;
- The legacy of photography theories (e.g. poststructuralism, Marxist theories) for photography writing and practice;
- The politics of representation as related to the fluidities of image circulation;
- Theory, criticism and photography education;
- Ways of teaching photography from global and contemporary perspectives;
- The rapid growth of photography books, journals, magazines, blogs and social media based criticism and practices.

Practice-led creative-critical papers and innovative (2/3person) panelproposals are welcome.

All proposals will be peer reviewed. We aim to let you know by mid-January whether your paper or presentation has been accepted. Proposals should include the following:
- Title of paper or presentation Abstract (max 350 words)
- Visual material (if practice-led - max 12 jpegs)
- Your name
- Institutional status (if applicable) and 20 word bio Contact address and email
- Full details of further deadlines, conference fees, speakers and associated events will be posted on

Proposals should be sent to
Deadline: 14th November 2016

CFP: Photographies journal (London, 18-19 May 17). In:, Oct 19, 2016 (accessed Feb 24, 2025), <>.
