CFP Apr 26, 2015

2 Sessions at RSA (Boston, 31 Mar-2 Apr 16)

Renaissance Society of America Annual meeting, Boston, Mar 31–Apr 2, 2016
Deadline: May 15, 2015

Francesca Borgo, University of St Andrews

(1) Epic Encounters. Literature and the Visual Arts around Ariosto and Tasso
(2) Tintoretto 500

(1) Epic Encounters. Literature and the Visual Arts around Ariosto and Tasso

From: Francesca Borgo <>
Date: Apr 22, 2015

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Furioso's first edition, this session aims to reassess the exchange of ideas, theories and modes of representation between epic poetry and the visual arts in the Cinquecento. We seek to extend our inquiry beyond the depiction of iconographic motifs from the Orlando or the Gerusalemme in order to investigate more broadly the intersection of visual and verbal worlds that characterized the production of epic and chivalric literature in the Renaissance. We welcome contributions that, rather than addressing issues of reception, seek to integrate the visual discourse within the culture in which Renaissance epic originated.

An essential aim of this session is to launch a discussion of these themes in view of the exhibition on Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando Furioso that will open at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara in the Fall of 2016.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
- The relevance of epic theory for the figurative arts in the Cinquecento
- The poetics of epic masculinity and its representational strategies
- The armored body and its aesthetics
- Time and temporalities of epic representation
- Ekphrasis and representation
- Duels, battles, and sieges: their visual and verbal depiction
- Desire and madness; verisimilitude and marvel

If interested, please send an abstract (150-word maximum) with paper title, keywords, and a brief curriculum vitae (300-word maximum) by May 15 to Francesca Borgo ( and Guido Beltramini ( Submissions must be in English.

(2) Tintoretto 500

From: Lorenzo Buonanno <>
Date: Apr 21, 2015

Deadline: May 31, 2015

The life, personality, career, and critical fortune of Jacopo Tintoretto, one of the preeminent painters of late-sixteenth-century Europe, continue to fascinate scholars and the public alike, as demonstrated by the steady stream of studies; major exhibitions in Madrid (2007), Boston and Paris (2009), and Rome (2012); and the release of a popular biography (2009). 2018/2019 will mark the five-hundredth anniversary of his birth; what more can be said about this (in)famously prolific and fiery painter? In anticipation of the artist’s quincentenary celebration, we seek papers that explore new avenues in the interpretation of his work, times, and afterlife. Papers might consider—but are certainly not limited to—the following: Tintoretto and materials; Tintoretto and other media such as sculpture, architecture, printmaking; Tintoretto and the “minor” arts; Tintoretto and the mainland; Tintoretto and the Baroque. Please submit a 150-word abstract and a 1-page CV to Dr. Lorenzo Buonanno (<>) and Dr. Frederick Ilchman (<>) by May 31st, 2015.

CFP: 2 Sessions at RSA (Boston, 31 Mar-2 Apr 16). In:, Apr 26, 2015 (accessed Feb 14, 2025), <>.
