International Conference
“Religious identities in conflict? Coexistence, Exchanges and Confrontations in the Mediterranean (12th-18th c.)”
7th - 8th May 2015, University of Valencia. Geography and History College.
Thursday 7th May
Geography and History College
Morning session
9-9.30 h: Registration.
9.30 h: Opening of the conference by Dr. Ester Alba, Dean of the Geography and History College - Valencia University, Dr. Felipe Jerez, Head of the History of Art Department, and Dr. Borja Franco, principal investigator of the project “Identities in conflict”.
9.45 h: Opening Conference: Dr. Luis Bernabe Pons (Universidad de Alicante-Cátedra Unesco Islam, cultura y sociedad): “Cuando el otro es uno mismo. Presentaciones y autorrepresentaciones moriscas”.
10.45 h: Coffee break
Panel 1: Religious conflict and identity. Historical approach
Chair: Dr. Juan Francisco Pardo Molero (Universitat de València)
11.15h: Bárbara Bejarano (Universidad de Alicante-Cátedra Unesco Islam, cultura y sociedad) “La resistencia identitaria morisca en Aragón: la palabra y las armas”.
11.45 h: Dr. Manuel Lomas (Universitat de València) “El embarque de los moriscos por el puerto de Málaga (1610-1611)”
12.15h: Bruno Pomara (Universitat de València) “Los “cristianos malos”. Los moriscos valencianos y su presencia en Italia”.
12.45h: Dr. Maurizio Sangalli (Università per Stranieri di Siena): “La 'piazza' di tutte le religioni del mondo: Venezia e lo Stato da Mar tra Chiesa di Roma, Turchi e Chiese d'Oriente (1680-1720)”.
13.15 h: Discussion
Afternoon session
16-17 h. Plenary Conference: Dr. Giovanna Fiume (Università di Palermo): “Rinnegati e redentori: la connettività delle relazioni mediterranee”. Chair: Dr. Rafael Benítez Sánchez-Blanco (Universitat de València).
17.15-20.30h: Communications
Chair: Dr. Nuria Ramon, Barbara Ruiz-Bejarano, Dr. Manuel Lomas, Bruno Pomara.
Friday 8th May
Panel 2: The religious polemic and its visualization
Chair: Dr. Borja Franco
9 h: Dr. Amadeo Serra (Universitat de València): “Un botín apetecible y una herencia incómoda: el legado musulmán en el antiguo Reino de Valencia (siglos XIII-XV)”.
9.30h: Dr. Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): “Al-Andalus e Hispania en la identidad de la Corona de Castilla y León”.
10h: Dr. Antonio Urquízar Herrera. (Universidad Nacional a Distancia): “Herramientas anticuarias para la interpretación humanista de la arquitectura islámica”.
10.30h: Dr. Fernando Marìas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): “Sobre el problema de los artistas conversos en el Siglo de Oro”.
11 h: Discussion
11.30h: Coffee break
Chair: Dr. Felipe Jerez
12h: Dr. Borja Franco (Universitat de València): “Identidades “reales”, identidades creadas, identidades superpuestas. El arte como expresio?n de la coexistencia religiosa en los siglos XVI y XVII”.
12.30 h. Dr. Beate Fricke (University of California, Berkeley): “Armillary spheres. Tempting tools from the East to explore the Heaven in the West”.
13.30h: Conclusions
The topics for analysis and discussion will be:
• Analysis of the formation of religious identity in the Mediterranean.
• Spaces for living together.
• Inquisition, violence and repression.
• The image of the “other”.
• Inter-religious solidarity networks.
Call for communications
If you wish to present a communication, please, send an abstract of maximum 400 words, in Spanish, English, Italian or French, together with a brief academic summary, including main research milestones and publications. Deadline for abstracts is March 31st 2015. Confirmation of participation will be on April 7th 2015. Abstracts and résumeé should be sent to the e-mail:
Communications will be 15-minute long. The scientific paper will be published in the Conference Book, following a double-blind peer review process.
Updates on the Conference can be followed in the FaceBook page:
Registration fees
University students – attendance only: 10 € (Eur).
Professors of professionals – attendance only: 20 € (Eur)..
In both cases, a certificate of attendance will be issued provided the person has participated in at least 75% of the sessions.
Participants with communication: 50 € (Eur). This inscription includes the Conference Book, which will be published by December 2015.
Fees must be paid by bank transfer BEFORE MAY 2ND 2015 to the following bank account (Santander):
IBAN ES24 0049 6721 6828 1002 2843
The concept should indicate “Identities in conflict” plus the name of the participant.
To register, send the proof of payment and your personal and contact information to:
Scientific Committee
Dr. Joan Aliaga Morell (Universitat Politècnica de València) Dr. Luis Arciniega García (Universitat de València)
Dr. Rafael Benìtez Sánchez Blanco (Universitat de València) Dr. Ximo Company Climent (Universitat de Lleida)
Dr. Simon Ditchfield (University of York)
Dr. Mercedes García Arenal (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientìficas) Dr. Vincenzo Lavenia (Università degli Studi di Macerata)
Dr. Felipe Pereda (Johns Hopkins University)
Dr. Isidro Puig (Universitat de Lleida)
Dr. Enrique Soria Mesa (Universidad de Córdoba)
Dr. John Tolan (Université de Nantes)
Organizing Committee
Organized by the Research Group Identidades en conflicto: la expresión artìstica e identitaria de las minorías religiosas en el Reino de Valencia medieval y moderno (ICEMM) GV/2014/048. – Identities in conflict. The artistic and identity expressions of the religious minorities in the Medieval and Modern Kingdom of Valencia.
Dr. Borja Franco (Universitat de València)
Dr. Felipe Jerez (Universitat de València)
Dr. Manuel Lomas (Universitat de València)
Dr. Nuria Ramo?n (Universitat Politècnica de València) Bárbara Ruiz-Bejarano (Universidad de Alicante) Bruno Pomara Saverino (Universitat de València)
CONF: Religious Identities in conflict? (Valencia, 7-8 May 15). In:, 22.03.2015. Letzter Zugriff 01.11.2024. <>.