CONF 03.10.2014

Light and Darkness in 20th Century Architecture (Mendrisio, 24-25 Oct 2014)

Mendrisio, Accademia di architettura Mendrisio (Università della Svizzera italiana), 24.–25.10.2014

Daniela Mondini, Accademia di Architettura, Università della Svizzera italiana

Luce e oscurità nell’architettura del XX secolo
Light and Darkness in 20th Century Architecture

24.10.2014 Friday

9.30 Opening
Christoph Frank, Vice-Director, Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio
Daniela Mondini, Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio

Representing Light and its Effects within Architectural Space
Chair: Daniela Mondini

10.00 Silvia Berselli, Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio
Le Corbusier l’éblouissant. Tra slogans e ricerca, indagine sul rapporto mutevole dell'architetto con la luce

10.30 Marcel Bächtiger, ETH Zürich
From the Dark Chamber of the Lumière Brothers. Le Corbusier in the Reflection of Cinematic Light

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 Mary Reid Brunstrom, Washington University in St. Louis
The Light Fantastic. Luminosity in Joseph D. Murphy’s Architectural Renderings of Midcentury Modernist Catholic Churches in the American Midwest

12.00 Simona Talenti, Università di Salerno
Luce per “mostrare”. I documentari di Pierre Kast e Roberto Rossellini

12.30 Lunch break

Exposing and Orientating the Building
Chair: Sergio Bettini, Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio

15.00 Daniel Siret, École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Nantes
William Atkinson, pionnier de la science de l’ensoleillement en architecture en Amérique du Nord

15.30 Marie Theres Stauffer, Université de Genève
Les heures claires. The Play of Light and Shadow in the Villa Savoye

16.00 Valeria Farinati, Venezia-Mendrisio
Un edificio a orientamento “variabile”. Villa Girasole e la questione dell’esposizione solare nei primi decenni del Novecento

16.30 Coffee break

17.00 Annarita Teodosio, Università di Salerno
Sguardi verso l’orizzonte. Le colonie marine italiane tra Tirreno e Adriatico

17.30 Daniel A. Barber, University of Pennsylvania
Living with the Sun. Solar Radiation and the Modern American House, c. 1959

18.30 Book launch of the two volumes of the project "From Ravenna to Vals. Light and Darkness in Architecture from the Middle Ages to the Present"

25.10.2014 Saturday

Devices for the Manipulation of Natural Light
Chair: Sonja Hildebrand, Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio

9.30 Giuliana Scuderi, Università di Trento
Sistemi metallici, filtro per gli involucri edilizi. Traguardi e sperimentazioni del XX secolo

10.00 Marco Di Nallo, Antalya International University
«Von zweiseitiger zur zusätzlichen Belichtung». Natural Lighting in Modern School Building in Switzerland

10.30 Coffee break

Architects and Artificial Light
Chair: Marco Della Torre, Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio

11.00 Lutz Robbers, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Silhouettes in Space. The Light Wall in the Architecture of Mies van der Rohe

11.30 Dietrich Neumann, Brown University, Providence
Microcosms of Modernity. Lighting Collaborations in 20th Century Architecture

12.00 Matthias Brunner, Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio
“Carefully Tempered not to Interfere with the Starry Desert Sky.” The Illumination of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann Desert House

12.30 Lunch break

Chair: Christoph Frank
15.00 Ruth Hommelen, KU Leuven, Brussels Ghent
Mood Shift. The Théâtre Pigalle and the Use of Electric Lighting as a Therapeutic Agent

15.30 Katrin Albrecht, ETH Zürich
Il ruolo dell’illuminazione notturna nel disegno architettonico e nella fotografia degli anni Trenta in Italia

16.00 Coffee break

Artificial Lighting from the Perspective of Professional Associations and the Industry

16.30 Nathalie Simonnot, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles
Perspectives sur la notion de confort dans la revue Lux. L’étude du temps long comme démonstration d’une rupture de discours (1928-1973)

17.00 Éric Monin, École nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Lille
La lumière savante des verres prismatiques Holophane

17.30 Margaret Maile Petty, Victoria University of Wellington
In Fear of Shadows. Light Conditioning the Postwar American Home and Lifestyle

organized by Silvia Berselli, Matthias Brunner, Daniela Mondini

within the research project “From Ravenna to Vals. Light and Darkness in Architecture from the Middle Ages to the Present” funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation

Istituto di storia e teoria dell'arte e dell'architettura
Accademia di architettura – Università della Svizzera italiana
Largo Bernasconi 2
6850 Mendrisio – CH

CONF: Light and Darkness in 20th Century Architecture (Mendrisio, 24-25 Oct 2014). In:, 03.10.2014. Letzter Zugriff 01.04.2025. <>.
