CONF 19.09.2024

AGENART on Queenship, Art and Material Culture (online, 19 Sep 24-19 Jun 25)

online, 19.09.2024–19.06.2025

Marina Sánchez Montero

The AGENART seminar on Queenship, Art and Material Culture is coordinated by members of the research project led by M. Cruz de Carlos Varona at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The researchers of the group are dedicated to studying the agency of women of the Spanish branch of the House of Austria in artistic productions in the 16th and 17th centuries.

In accordance with the central study themes for the AGENART Project, the new edition of the virtual seminar has been organised with proposals focusing on Queenship, with particular interest in aspects of art and material culture. The seminar will be held entirely online. It offers international researchers a forum for training and debate. It is aimed in particular at young researchers at master's and doctoral level. The lectures will last one hour and will be followed by a discussion.

Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish.

Online via Zoom using this link:

(Time frame for all the lectures: 16:00-18:00, spanish peninsular time)

19 September 2024:
Alba María García Fernández (Universidad de Valladolid):
“Catalina Micaela de Austria (1585-1597), Influencias culturales y patronazgo artístico entre el ducado de Saboya y la corte de Felipe II”

17 October 2024:
Agathe Bonnin (Cergy Paris Université y Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid): “Margarita de Austria-Estiria y un retrato de comulgantes: visibilidad y adorno del cuerpo de Cristo desde una perspectiva de género”

14 November 2024:
Chandini Jaswal, Panjab University, India: “Revisiting the Mughal
Zenana— As It Was. Challenging the Narrative of the Space of the Mughal Harem by
Analysing Material and Visual Culture”

19 December 2024:
Alberto Mariano Rodríguez Martínez (Universidad Pablo de
Olavide): “Emular a Diana. La caza y la construcción de la imagen de Isabel Clara

23 January 2025:
Audrey-Caroline Michielon (Universidad Complutense de Madrid y
Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès): “Fabricación y cuidado del mobiliario
doméstico de la reina Isabel de Borbón”

13 February 2025:
Suh yoon Park (Seoul National University): “Politics in the Funeral
Book of Queen Margarita de Austria and Its Afterlife in Rubens’s Marie de Médicis

13 March 2025:
Clara Viloria Hernández (Harvard University): "Que gustan tanto de la
Compañía que qualquiera de los Comediantes es ahora todo el valimiento: La
agencia artística de María Teresa de Austria y las compañías de teatro madrileñas
en Francia (1660-1672)”

10 April 2025:
Marina Sánchez Montero (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): “Triunfal
Descendencia de las Águilas: la reina doña Mariana de Austria entre las cortes de
Viena y Madrid”

15 May 2025:
Anke Najokat (RWTH Aachen University): “Memories of Spain in
Flanders: Isabella's widow's residence and devotional corridor in

19 June 2025:
Sergio Ramiro Ramírez (CSIC, Madrid), “El rey por una ventana de una
dueña las acechó”: los espacios de las reinas y sus damas en los palacios

CONF: AGENART on Queenship, Art and Material Culture (online, 19 Sep 24-19 Jun 25). In:, 19.09.2024. Letzter Zugriff 09.03.2025. <>.
