CFP Sep 12, 2024

Anales de Historia del Arte: Art and Dance

Anales de Historia del Arte
Deadline: Feb 1, 2025

Irene Lopez Arnaiz, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

For its 2025 issue, Anales de Historia del Arte is interested in studies focused on the art of dance, especially in those addressing the rich interaction stablished throughout history between dance and other artistic disciplines.

The volume seeks to contribute to the ongoing expansion of this field of study through the incorporation of innovative methodologies from Art History and Visual Culture. It also wants to generate new narratives within the History of Dance, therefore accentuating the impact that this art form has had on the broader artistic and cultural landscape throughout history.

Anales de Historia del Arte is therefore interested in research articles that address the study of dance from Antiquity to the present. Special attention will be paid to studies focused on the study of dance at a global level, attending to those geographical contexts that have been traditionally misrepresented in canonical narratives, and those covering cross-cultural perspectives typical of the dynamism inherent to certain scenic circuits. We also welcome contributions that pay special attention to the relationship between dance and visual arts, that promote critical reflection on the corporal and ephemeral nature of this art form and focus on the use of material means for its registration or notation. Studies on the representation of dance in the visual arts are also especially welcomed, as well as those interested in its impact on architecture, which may reflect on notions such as rhythm, movement, gestures, identity, imaginary or corporeality.

Anales de Historia del Arte is open to research articles focused on some of the following subjects without being limited to them:

Representation, iconography and practice of dance from antiquity to the present day.
Dance as a social, ritual, popular, courtly, festive, political, educational, scenic practice, etc. and its representation throughout history.
Case studies on dancers, choreographers, set designers, costume designers, etc.
Treatises and writings on dance, and especially their illustrations.
Processes of choreographic notation and transcription of gesture and movement.
Studies on scenography, ephemeral architecture, costumes and visual material for dance and similar, related shows.
Study of the relationships, connections and influences between film, photography, architecture, painting, sculpture, drawing, literature and dance.
Studies on the relationship between dance and performance and its inclusion in museums and archives.
Dance as intangible heritage, its recovery, conservation and reinterpretation.

Author Guidelines:


1. The articles shall be original and related to research on the History of Art and Visual Culture.

2. Originals shall be submitted for the external evaluation by subject-matter experts through a system of blind arbitration -blind peers- and, in light of the outcome, the Editorial Board shall decide whether to publish them or not.

3. The authors shall be the only ones responsible for the contents of their articles. Likewise, Anales de Historia del Arte shall maintain its rights over the works contemplated by law.

4. The authors of the articles shall be responsible for publication of any accompanying images, and they shall be required to cite their source as well as authorship based on the citation rights contemplated in Article 32 of the Law of Intellectual Property.

5. Acceptance of a paper for publication implies that the copyright, in whatever media and format, is transferred to the journal publisher.

7. Discussions on the articles published in Anales de Historia del Arte shall be accepted, under the general publication rules.

8. The use of inclusive language in the texts is mandatory.


1.Papers shall have a maximum length of 60000 characters, including notes.

2. The deadline for reception of originals shall be 1st February of each year, and exclusively through the plattform Open Journal System (OJS) Create a new account or Login with an existing account).

3. The Editorial Board shall acknowledge receipt of the papers.

4.The articles may be submitted in Spanish or English.

5. Originals should include two documents:

5.1) the title in Spanish and English, name of the author, institution, email, ORCID number, as well as a short biographical note of no more than 150 words

5.2) A second document including:

5.2.1. Title in Spanish and English

5.2.2. Name of the author, insitution, email and ORCID number.

5.2.3. two abstracts, one in Spanish and one in English.

5.2.4. a list of five keywords or descriptors both in Spanish and in English.

5.2.5. The text of the article.

5.2.6. References

5.3. An anonimized version of the manuscript. This document will be used for the peer review process.

6. The documents be submitted in Microsoft Word files, with standard DIN-A4 pages, and the default Word margins, 2.5 cm (top and bottom), 3 cm (left and right) and single-spaced. Space between paragraphs shall be 0. The same file shall also be submitted in PDF format.

7. No headers or footers shall be added, except for the page number.

8. Font Times New Roman 12 p. shall be used for the body of the text.

9. Notes shall be in footers with font size 10 p. If the superscript should coincide with a punctuation mark, it shall always go before said mark.

10. Any citations included, if shorter than three lines, shall be embedded in the text and between quotation marks. If they are longer than three lines, they shall have a space above and below separating them from the text, with a left indent and font size 11 p., with no opening or closing quotation marks.

11. Pictures, aside from being inserted in the text, with the corresponding caption, shall be submitted in separate files in JPG or TIFF format, with a minimum resolution of 300 ppp. The place of insertion of the pictures shall be maintained to the extent allowed by the page layout. All necessary information related to their source, ownership and reproduction permission shall be attached, as appropriate.

12. No tabs shall be used at the start of each paragraph, neither shall words be manually split at the end of a line.

13. All titles of chapters, sections and subsections shall be written in lower case (except for initials that need to be in upper case). The same applies to captions or information on charts or tables, and they shall have no full stop.

14. Headings shall be in correlative order, always in Arabic numerals, as follows: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., with a maximum of three levels.

15. To highlight text, avoid use of bold, upper case or underlining; use italics.

16. Any paper not complying with format, layout, content and picture requirements, shall be returned to the author.


18. The spelling of the texts in Spanish shall comply with the standards of the Royal Spanish Academy ( Texts in English may be submitted either in British or American English. The former shall follow the standards of The Concise Oxford English Dictionary (OED, 2014) and New Hart's Rules, 2nd ed.; and the latter, those of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed. and The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed.

19. For texts in Spanish, use English quotation marks (“ ”). For the definition or translation of a word, write the word in italics and between single quotation marks (‘ ’) and the definition or translation in roman type. As for brackets, if there are brackets within brackets, use square brackets: ([ ]). In the case of texts in other languages (English, German, etc.) follow the corresponding typographic conventions.

20. Latinisms, if included in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (DRAE), shall be written in roman type. Otherwise, they shall be in italics. Italics shall also be used for any words, except proper nouns, and expressions not in Spanish.


21. Notes shall always be in page footers and numbered.

22. From issue no. 33 (2023) onwards, submissions to this journal will be required to comply with The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) for the formatting of notes, quotes and bibliography. Authors can find detailed information about the CMS here and here.

Guidelines for external editors / Special Issues

Proposals for the publication of thematic Issues of Anales de Historia del Arte will be received during the month of January of each year. The proposal must be supported by the following documents:

A text that includes the name(s) of the guest editor(s), a title, and a summary of the topic (maximum 750 words).

A list of at least 7 invited authors accompanied by their institutional affiliation and a brief description of their expertise in the proposed topic.

List of at least 15 reviewers who will review the papers submitted for the proposed issue. It will be necessary to provide their affiliation, e-mail address and research topics.

All papers must comply with the journal's editorial guidelines, available in Envíos. It is recommended to review the journal's editorial policy on the portal.

CFP: Anales de Historia del Arte: Art and Dance. In:, Sep 12, 2024 (accessed Mar 12, 2025), <>.
