CFP Mar 1, 2024

Woven Paintings (Madrid, 8 Nov 24)

Madrid, Nov 08, 2024
Deadline: Jun 7, 2024

Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez

Since 2020, the Moll Institute (Madrid) and the Périer-D'Ieteren Foundation (Brussels) have been conducting a research program aimed at identifying and studying the art that developed in Flanders and Burgundy from the 15th to the 17th centuries, which is still preserved in Spanish collections. As part of this collaboration, in 2023, a series of study sessions began to be held to share, deepen, and disseminate the work of specialists in the field. The 2023 study day took place in Brussels and focused on pictorial art. This time, the session will be dedicated to tapestries and will be held the 8th of November in Madrid.

The conference will aim to explore issues in relation with the world of the tapestries such as its production, models, processes, involved artists, collecting, and the restoration and conservation of these art works.

Papers may be delivered in English, French, or Spanish and will have an approximate duration of 15-20 minutes. The outcomes of the presentations will be subject to a publication in the Cahies d'étude series of Annales d'Histoire de l'Art et d'Archéologie.

Those wishing to participate in this study day should send, before June 7, 2024, a provisional title of their presentation and a short abstract of approximately 300 words, along with a brief CV.

For more information:

CFP: Woven Paintings (Madrid, 8 Nov 24). In:, Mar 1, 2024 (accessed Feb 14, 2025), <>.
