CFP 24.04.2022

Photographies and Histories of Ireland in the short 20th c. (Dublin, 22 Jul 22)

Dublin Castle, Ireland, 22.07.2022
Eingabeschluss : 20.05.2022

Justin Carville, Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Dun Laoghaire

Photographies and Histories of Ireland in the short 20th Century.

The 13th edition of PhotoIreland Festival proposes a conversation ‘On the History and Practice of Photography in Ireland’ through a programme of exhibitions and events running from 7th July to 28th August. In this context, a series of Think Tanks are being hosted to tease out the complexities of the History as much as of the discipline.

Proposals are invited for a day workshop on photographic histories of Ireland in the twentieth century. The workshop proposes to explore histories of photographic practices, technologies, exhibitions and archives from 1910 to 1990. There is no prescribed theme and the scope of proposals are open to any aspect of photographic culture, and proposals for focused case studies of specific photographers and/or images are welcomed along with broader thematic papers that may critically asses methods and methodologies of the historiography of photography in Ireland across the period of partition and its aftermath or take a comparative approach to the photography and its histories.

Proposed papers do not have to follow any formal approach or methodology and can be focused on the historical or sociological aspects of photography and its uses, photographic forms and aesthetics, institutional uses of the photographic image and their archivisation. Proposals are welcomed that address the cultural politics of the photographic image in state formation from the period of partition alongside papers that explore hidden or unexplored histories of photography throughout the twentieth century. Proposals may not focus solely on Irish photographers and proposals that explore international photographers working in Ireland or Irish photographers working in any geographical location are encouraged.

How to participate
Proposals are encouraged from museum, gallery and archive professionals as well as graduate students and early career researchers. Proposals of original, previously unpublished papers may consider;

Photography for and against the state
Photography and regionalism/local history
Photographies and their institutions
Religion and photography
Photography and tourism
Photographic archives
Press photography
Photography and Conflict
Photography and Architecture/Urban Space
Representations of gender and race
Historiographies of women’s photography
Photography and its publications
Modernism/modernity and photography
Photographic exhibitions and art movements
Photography and identitarian politics
Photography and Activism

This workshop is convened by Justin Carville in collaboration with PhotoIreland and proposals of 300 words with a short bio should be submitted via email attachment to no later than May 20th 2022.

CFP: Photographies and Histories of Ireland in the short 20th c. (Dublin, 22 Jul 22). In:, 24.04.2022. Letzter Zugriff 20.09.2024. <>.
