ANN 25.01.2021

New Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities (online, 3 Feb-12 May 21)

Online, 03.02.–12.05.2021

Dr. Barbara Tramelli

New Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities/VeDPH - Ca' Foscari University

On Wednesday 3rd of February, at 5 pm, the new series of 'Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities' organized by the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH) at Ca' Foscari University will start with the talk by Ernesto Priego (City, University of London): 'Open Access Comics Studies as Digital Public Humanities: Insights from a Decade of The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship'.
Link for subscription:

Full programme - Spring Term 2021

3 February 2021
Ernesto Priego (City, University of London)
Open Access Comics Studies as Digital Public Humanities: Insights from a Decade of The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship

17 February 2021
Marta Severo (Université Paris Nanterre)
Cultural Heritage, Participation and Platforms: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges

3 March 2021
Michael B. Toth (R.B. Toth Associates)
Advanced Imaging to Support the Digital Humanities

17 March 2021
Fabrizio Nevola (University of Exeter)
Hidden Florence and Hidden Cities: Rediscovering the Renaissance City Using New Technologies

31 March 2021
Erma Hermens (University of Amsterdam – Rijksmuseum, VeDPH, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Beautiful Data: Digital Contexts for Object-Based Research and Issues of Interoperability

14 April 2021
Maurizio Forte (Duke University)
Principles of Cyberarchaeology

28 April 2021
Tiziana Mancinelli (VeDPH, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
From Modeling to Publishing: Digital Scholarship in Practice

12 May 2021
Dániel Kiss (Universitat de Barcelona)
VeDPH, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice ‘Catullus Online’ and Digital Latin: Radical Innovation or Media Change?

Further info and all materials about the seminars will be available at vedph:

ANN: New Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities (online, 3 Feb-12 May 21). In:, 25.01.2021. Letzter Zugriff 22.09.2024. <>.
