American Art and the Mass Media
Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA), 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris
This two-day international symposium considers the dynamic interplay of the fine arts and the technologies and structures of the mass media across the long narrative of American art history. Taking as an occasion the 'Warhol: Headlines' travelling exhibition that premiered at the National Gallery of Art in Washington in the autumn of 2011 and that systematically explored Andy Warhol’s artistic preoccupation with the visual culture of journalism, our program aims to grant visibility to the exciting correspondences or tensions that emerge when such disciplinary boundaries as have fractured the study of the fine arts and more instrumental communicative media are, even if only temporarily, set aside. The spectrum of research encompasses moments of intersection between fine arts discourse and the various technological and historically specific modalities of mass media culture from the sixteenth-century printing press and the nineteenth-century panorama to the experimental cinema of the sixties and our present social media sphere. Speakers include James Boaden, Jean-Loup Bourget, François Brunet, Annie Claustres, Christian Delage, Molly Donovan, Sara Doris, John Fagg, Ursula Frohne, Kristen Gresh, André Gunthert, J. Carlos Kase, Jason LaFountain, Filip Lipinski, Ségolène Le Men, Michael Lobel, Nenette Luarca-Shoaf, Richard Meyer, Jorge Ribalta, Stephanie Schwartz, and Maria Slowinska.
Organized by Dr Jason E. Hill (INHA) and Dr Elisa Schaar (The Courtauld Institute of Art)Sponsored by the Terra Foundation for American Art and co-sponsored by The Courtauld Institute of Art and by the Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA) in Paris in partnership with the Ecole Normale Supérieure, the Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre la Défense and the Université François Rabelais de Tours
Open to all, free admission
Program in English and French
Programme: Wednesday May 2, INHA Auditorium
10.00 Coffee at Salle Aby Warburg
10.30 Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Jason E. Hill and Elisa Schaar
Veerle Thielemans (Terra Foundation Europe)
Ségolène Le Men (Université Paris X Nanterre)
11.00 Stop Press
Molly Donovan (National Gallery of Art, Washington): Warhol’s Headlines: Social Consciousness Like you Read AboutJason LaFountain (Harvard University): Inc.: the Art of Living, Print Media and the Puritans
John Fagg (University of Birmingham): “a clean sweep of the truck”: Clutter and Commercial Illustration
12.30 Break
12.45 In the Loop
Filip Lipinski (Adam Mickiewicz University Pozna?): The Virtual Hopper. Nighthawks Between Dissemination and Desire
Annie Claustres (Institut national d’histoire de l’art): La médiatisation de l’objet manufacturé dans les années 1980
1.45 Lunch
3.00 On Location
Maria Slowinska (Freie Universität, Berlin): Negotiating the Materiality of Site: Prada Marfa
Nenette Luarca-Shoaf (University of Delaware): Intermedial Encounters with the Mississippi River, ca. 1850
4.00 Tea
4.30 Intermedia
Juan Carlos Kase (University of North Carolina, Wilmington): “The Content of Any Medium Is Always Another Medium": Experimental Cinema and the Televisual Mosaics of Paik, Yalkut, and Warhol
Christian Delage (Université Paris 8): Jason Moran in the Mind of Thelonious Monk: a multimedia experiment involving narration, graphic art, video, and still photography
6.00 – 8.00 Reception at Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Salle Aby Warburg
Programme: Thursday May 3, Salle Giorgio Vasari
10.30 Coffee outside Salle Giorgio Vasari
11.00 Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Jason E. Hill and Elisa Schaar
Jean-Loup Bourget (École normale supérieure)
11.15 Jacks of All Trades
Michael Lobel (Purchase College, State University of New York): John Sloan: Between Art and Illustration
Sara Doris (Northeastern University, Boston): Media/Art: McLuhan and Warhol in the 1960s
Stephanie Schwartz (University College, London): Film Stills: Paul Strand and the Invention of Documentary Film
12.45 Lunch
2.00 Show Business
James Boaden (University of York): Parker Tyler, Myra Breckinridge, and Queer Surreal Fandom
Richard Meyer (University of Southern California): ‘Photography is Elastic’: Weegee’s Cock-Eyed View of Hollywood
3.00 Break
3.15 MoMA and Media
Kristen Gresh (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston): New(s) Pictures on the Walls of the MoMA at Mid-Century
François Brunet (Université Paris Diderot): Photography in 1938: Taft's American scene vs. Newhall's medium
Ursula Frohne (University of Cologne): The impact of INFORMATION: American Art in Competition with New Media Culture
4.45 Tea
5.15 Traffic
Jorge Ribalta (Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona): Public photographic spheres
André Gunthert (L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris): The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Appropriation
6.15 Closing discussion
6.30 Closing Reception Terra Foundation for American Art Europe, 29 Rue des Pyramides
CONF: American Art and the Mass Media (Paris, 2-5 May 12). In:, 17.04.2012. Letzter Zugriff 13.03.2025. <>.