Artistic Patronage in Central Europe: From Private Foundations to State Art
University of Warsaw, Museum of Warsaw, Poland
Conference Program
THURSDAY 19.09.2019
Venue: University of Warsaw, Column Hall of the Faculty of (Krakowskie Przedmieście Str. 26/28)
8:00–9:00 Speaker Registration
9:00–9:30 Conference Opening
9:30–10:30 Introductory Lecture (Keynote Speaker: Prof. Antoni Ziemba)
10:30–11:00 Coffee break
Foundational Activity of the Magnates from a Historiographic Perspective
Chair: Prof. Grażyna Jurkowlaniec
11:00–11:20 Klementyna Zygarowska-Tomza: Artistic Patronage of Bishop of Poznań, Jan Lubrański, as an Example of a Historiographic Myth
11:20–11:40 Dr. Mateusz Grzęda: Architecture, Power and History: Some Thoughts about the Artistic Patronage of King Sigismund I
11:40–12:00 Konrad Morawski: Art for a Polish Magnate or a European Aristocrat? Jan Bonawentura Krasiński’s (1639–1717) Artistic Patronage
12:00–12:30 Discussion
12:30–13:30 Lunch break
Strategies and Mechanisms of the Artistic Patronage in the Early Modern Period I
Chair: dr. habil. Jakub Adamski
13:30–13:50 Rahul Kulka: The Matter of Magnificence: Baltic Amber and its Diplomatic Use by the Dukes of Prussia, 1525–1618
13:50–14:10 Dr. Michał Kurzej: Patron but not Founder. The Case of Sebastian Piskorski
14:10–14:30 Konrad Niemira: Art Patronage or Con- sumption of Luxury Goods? Parisian Commisions of Polish „Magnateria“ in the 18th Century
14:30–15:00 Discussion
15:00–15:30 Coffee break
Strategies and Mechanisms of the Artistic Patronage in the Early Modern Period II
Chair / Moderation: Prof. Ewa Chojecka
15:30–15:50 Prof. Andrzej Kozieł: Artists as Founders: Fo- undational Initiatives of Painters Active in Silesia during the Baroque Period
15:50–16:10 Dr. Aistė Paliušyte: The Nobility’s Patronage in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the 18th Century
16:10–16:30 Dr. Katharina Ute Mann: Das Mäzenatentum in Polen um 1800
16:30–17:00 Discussion
19:00 Reception (The German Embassy in Warsaw, by invitation)
FRIDAY 20.09.2019
9:00–12:00 Guided Tours (e-mail registration until 17th September:
The Royal Castle in Warsaw (Alicja Jakubowska, Marta Zdankowska)
The Royal Łazienki Palace and Park (Prof. Andrzej Pieńkos)
Modernist Architecture in Warsaw (Alicja Gzowska)
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
Venue: Royal Castle in Warsaw, Bacciarelli Building (Civil Registry Office). Ground Floor Room. Plac Zamkowy 6 (Castle Square)
Artistic Patronage as a Social and Cultural Phenomenon
Chair: Prof. Tadeusz Żuchowski
13:00–13:20 Krzysztof Czyżewski, Dr. Marcin Szyma, Dr. hab. Marek Walczak: From Kings to Shoemakers: Side Chapels of the Dominican Church in Cracow and their Patrons
13:20–13:40 Wojciech Sowała: „Altera Cracovia”: The Artistic Patronage of the Canons in the Collegiate Church in Skalbmierz
13:40–14:00 Prof. Krzysztof Stefański: Lodzer Fabrikanten und ihre verehrten Witwen – zur Geschichte der Kunstpatronage der Großindustriellen
14:00–14.30 Discussion
14:30–15:00 Coffee break
Artistic Foundations and Collections in Urban Culture: the Case of Lviv in 18th–20th Centuries
Chair / Moderation: Prof. Paul Zalewski
15:00–15:20 Dr. Mariana Levytska: Beyond State and Private Patronage: the Art Agenda of the Lviv Uniate Bishops during the 18th century
15:20–15:40 Dr. Agnieszka Świętosławska: Not only the Ossoliń- ski Institute. An Attempt at Reconstructing Lviv’s Art Collectors’ Environment in the Mid-19th Century
15:40–16:00 Dr. Aleksander Łupienko: The City as a Cultural Patron: the Case of Lviv (1870–1914)
16:00–16:30 Discussion
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
Venue: The Museum of Warsaw - Rynek Starego Miasta 28–42 (Old Town Square 28–42)
17:00–19:00 Curatorial guided tour of the Museum of Warsaw (dr. Magdalena Wróblewska - in English; dr. Jarosław Trybuś - in Polish)
19:00 Reception
SATURDAY 21.09.2019
Venue: University of Warsaw, Old Library, room 105, Krakowskie Przedmieście Str. 26/28
09:00–10:00 Information Exchange Session
Prof. Wojciech Bałus: Die Forschungsprojekte des Corpus Vitrearum Polen und die deutsch-polnische Beziehungen in der Glasmalerei vom Mittelalter bis 1945
Dr. Sabine Jagodzinski, Dr. Annika Wienert: Kunstge- schichte am DHI Warschau: Forschungsprojekte und Fördermöglichkeiten
Dr. Agnieszka Gąsior: „Bellum et Artes“: der Dreißigjährige Krieg und die Künste. Ein internationales Ausstellungsprojekt zu Krieg, Kunst und Diplomatie in Mitteleuropa zwischen 1600 und 1650
Prof. Paul Zalewski, Valentina Salcedo Paparoni: „Kunst am Bau“ und deren staatliche Förderung in Deutschland des 20. Jahrhunderts
Dr. Karolina Mroziewicz: Illustrated Catalogues of Rulers in the National Narratives in Poland, Bohemia and Hungary. Project summary
Prof. Christofer Herrmann: Buchpräsentation: „Der Hochmeisterpalast auf der Marienburg. Konzeption, Bau und Nutzung der modernsten europäischen Fürstenresidenz um 1400“, Petersberg 2019
Prof. Piotr Korduba, Dr. Dietmar Popp: Buchpräsentation: „Re-Konstruktionen. Stadt, Raum, Museum“, Warszawa 2019
Artistic Patronage as a State Duty
Chair / Moderation: Prof. Małgorzata Omilanowska
10:00–10:20 Gabriella Juhász: The Financial and Social Support of the Hungarian Theatres in the 19th Century
10:20–10:40 Dr. Lilla Farbaky-Deklava: The Reburial of King Béla III in 1898: Legitimation and State Representation
10:40–11:00 Marija Podzorova: Upstream of Socialist Realism in Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic: Economics, Ideology and Artistic Experience after 1944
11:00–11:30 Discussion
11:30–12:00 – Coffee break
The Art Market versus Artistic Patronage in the 20th Century
Chair / Moderation: Prof. Wojciech Bałus
12:00–12:20 Maddalena Alvi: „The Land of Cockaigne”: The German Art Market and the First World War
12:20–12:40 Dr. Justyna Balisz-Schmelz: Nicht nur Pakete und Worte. Die „Kunstauktion gegen das Kriegsrecht in Polen für Solidarność“ als Anregung des deutsch-polnischen Kulturtransfers
12:40–13:00 Agnieszka Fąferek: From Collecting to Patronage: The Role of Art Collectors and Their Private Museums in the System of Contemporary Art. The Case of East-Central Europe
13:00–13:30 Discussion
13:30–14:15 Lunch break
14:15–15:00 Final discussion. Chair: Prof. Katja Bernhardt
Programme Committee
Dr. habil. Jakub Adamski, Instytut Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Dr. Jarosław Trybuś, Muzeum Warszawy
For the Working Group of German and Polish Art Historians and Conservators:
Prof. Piotr Korduba, Instytut Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
PD Dr. habil. Beate Störtkuhl, Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, Oldenburg
Conference under the patronage of:
His Excellency Rolf Nikel, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Poland
and Prof. Dr. Małgorzata Karpińska Dean of the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw
CONF: Artistic Patronage in Central Europe (Warsaw, 19-21 Sep 19). In:, 05.09.2019. Letzter Zugriff 23.02.2025. <>.