CFP Mar 11, 2019

Session at RSA 2020 (Philadelphia, 2-4 Apr 20)

Deadline: Apr 12, 2019

Cristelle Baskins, Tufts University

The IAS will sponsor up to four sessions at the annual conference of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA).
RSA 2020 will be held in Philadelphia, 2-4 April.

Sessions are typically comprised of three 20-minute papers. IAS members interested in putting together a panel or linked panels on any topic of Italian Art c. 1300-1650 should send a brief abstract (150 words max) with session title(s) of less than 15 words each, keywords, name of organizer(s)/chair(s) with email addresses and affiliation, a short list of potential or desired speakers (they need not be confirmed), and a one-page CV.

The deadline for submission to the IAS is 12 April 2019.
For any questions and to submit proposals contact

Cristelle Baskins
Vice President for Program Coordination.

CFP: Session at RSA 2020 (Philadelphia, 2-4 Apr 20). In:, Mar 11, 2019 (accessed Feb 18, 2025), <>.
