CFP Apr 4, 2018

Digital art history - methods, practices, epistemologies (Zagreb, 12-14 Nov 18)

Zagreb, University Computing Centre, Nov 12–14, 2018
Deadline: Jun 15, 2018

Sanja Sekelj

UPDATED CFP SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 15 June 2018 (Acceptance letters: 1 July 2018)

The conference organized in Zagreb, Croatia by the Institute of Art History, University Computing Centre, and DARIAH-HR is aiming at bringing together established and early career academics, the researchers from the independent digi-labs and professionals involved with the transdisciplinary research initiatives, who are interested in critically examining recent methodological, analytical and theoretical developments in the field of Digital Art History.

We invite proposals for individual papers on all aspects of the following, broadly defined subjects:

• digital art history tools - the application of digital tools, techniques and methodologies drawn from Information Science and related disciplines used to create new approaches and understandings of art history, architecture, design and visual culture

• digital art history infrastructures - institutional and technological framework of Digital Art History: development, and accessibility of digital research infrastructures, services and resources (libraries, archives, data repositories, databases, digital museum and cultural heritage collections); institutional support and availability of new technologies

• digital art history practices - collaborative research groups, research networks and platforms; interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, theories and epistemologies of Digital Art History

• digital art history polices - ‘power centres’ and ‘new’ peripheries – economic, social, political and cultural dimension of Digital Art History and its capacity for self-reflection

Please send an abstract of your 20' presentations (max. 500 words) and a brief bio to Sanja Sekelj at The deadline for the submission is May 31, 2018. The applicants will be notified about the acceptance of their proposals by July 1, 2018.
There is no registration fee for this Conference, but we regret that we are unable to offer funding towards accommodation or travel.

Tools, solutions & ideas forum
We also invite academics, creative practitioners and entrepreneurs to apply to our Projects, Solutions & Ideas Forum to be held parallel to the Conference. The Forum is aiming at presenting new digital tools, software solutions and ideas for the application of AI, and VR/AR technologies that could be of interest for Arts and Humanities researchers, but also to the GLAM and cultural heritage sector professionals.
The application for the participation in the Forum please send to Artur Šilić at . The application should include one page description of the product / solution / idea that you would like to present, a brief information about the author / producer (max. 500 words), and information on technical requirements of your presentation. A deadline for Forum applications is August 1, 2018.
For additional information please contact Ljiljana Kolešnik at

The closing event of the Conference, DARIAH day, is conceived as an insight into the DARIAH-EU activities supportive to a variety of networking practices in the field of Digital Humanities. Open to all Conference participants, the meeting will also be used as an opportunity for presenting DARIAH-HR initiative for the establishment of Art, Art History & Technology Working Group, with the aim of bringing together artists, art historians, designers, media theorists, IT specialists, and other professionals involved with new digital media and communication technologies.
For further information please contact Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar at

CFP: Digital art history - methods, practices, epistemologies (Zagreb, 12-14 Nov 18). In:, Apr 4, 2018 (accessed Feb 14, 2025), <>.
