CONF 15.10.2017

Architecture and professionalism (Antwerp, 7-9 Dec 17)

deSingel International Arts Campus, Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 155, 2018 Antwerp, 07.–09.12.2017

Nina Serulus, Antwerp

Architecture and professionalism: New approaches to the work of Léon Stynen and his international contemporaries

The Architectural Archives of the Province of Antwerp and the Flanders Architecture Institute are hosting an international congress as a prelude to 'Stynen Year' in 2018. The Belgian architect Léon Stynen (1899-1990) epitomises an entire generation of post-war modernist architects whose oeuvres and profiles share many similarities. Typically these architects were part of a strong national and international network; up-to-date and knowledgeable; prolific and varied builders (which points to great ideological flexibility); consummate professionals; and able to access large-scale, highly visible commissions. The congress aims to promote an exchange on heritage approaches to the cultural legacy of architects who are similar in profile to Stynen and to establish a dialogue regarding similar figures and oeuvres from other European regions. This will provide new insights into, amongst other things, the impact of Le Corbusier, the way in which progressive American thinking influenced architecture (and the image of architecture), and the relationship between architecture and the economic growth of the service sector in post-war Europe (which led to a profusion of office buildings). In addition, it will shed light on the development of architectural education and the way in which architecture and construction companies joined forces in rationalizing the construction process.

Register for the congress and the tours:


Thursday 7 December


by dr. Sofie De Caigny / Prof. dr. ir. Christoph Grafe (Flanders Architecture Institute)

by Dirk Laureys (Architectural Archives of the Province of Antwerp)

10:00 -12:00 SESSION 1 - Knowledge transfer and networks

Dipl.-Ing. Elise Feiersinger (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur)
'Togo Murano (1891-1984): "I don't have a style as such"'

Dr. Monika Platzer (Architekturzentrum Wien)
'Roland Rainer, a life steeped in history'

Serena Pacchiani (PhD candidate, Université libre de Bruxelles & University of Florence)
'Out front and behind the scenes: The networking strategies of Marcello Piacentini (1881-1960) and Léon Stynen (1899-1990)'

​12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-16:00 SESSION 2 - Canonisation and the forging of an international reputation

Irene Lund (PhD candidate, Université libre de Bruxelles & Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
'Léon Stynen and the architecture media'

Dr. Janina Gosseye (University of Queensland)
'Léon Stynen, prophet or apostle?'

Prof. dr. Andres Kurg (Estonian Academy of Arts)
'Western architecture in Soviet translation: Sovremennaya Arkhitektura – l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui in the 1960s'

by Prof. dr. Adrian Forty (Bartlett School of Architecture)

Friday 8 December

9:30-12:00 SESSION 3 - Contemporary approaches towards modernist architecture: Research, archives and public programmes

MSc Natalia Boura (Neohellenic Architecture Archives [N.A.A.] - Benaki Museum Athens)
'From the collections of the Neohellenic Architecture Archives: Three contemporary Greek architects; two ways of looking at things'

Jens van de Maele (PhD candidate, Ghent University & University of Antwerp)
'The Governmental Administrative Centre in Brussels (1955-1985): An efficiency-minded modernist office complex?'

Prof. dr. Antonello Alici (Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancone)
'Dagoberto Ortensi in the network of Italian architectural archives (1902-1975)'

by Prof. dr. Miles Glendinning (University of Edinburgh)

13:00 Lunch

Congress tour

Saturday 9 December

Post-congress tour organized
by DOCOMOMO Belgium

CONF: Architecture and professionalism (Antwerp, 7-9 Dec 17). In:, 15.10.2017. Letzter Zugriff 19.09.2024. <>.
