CONF Mar 7, 2014

Image Operations (Berlin, 10-12 Apr 14)

ICI Kulturlabor, Berlin, Apr 10–12, 2014

Maria Kleinschmidt

[English version below]

Internationale Tagung IMAGE OPERATIONS

Manche Bilder greifen direkt in die Welt ein und verändern sie in
weitreichender Weise. Als Teil medialer Praktiken erschaffen sie
Ereignisse, wirken sich unmittelbar und konkret auf Menschen und
Körper aus. Besonders markant sind solche Bildoperationen im Krieg,
bei terroristischen Anschlägen und in politischen Kampagnen von NGOs -
aber auch in der Medizin. International führende Wissenschaftlerinnen
und Wissenschaftler diskutieren die konstitutive Rolle von Bildern und
ihre ethische Problematik auf der Internationalen Tagung Image
Operations, die von der Kunsthistorikerin Charlotte Klonk
(Humboldt-Universität) und dem Medienwissenschaftler Jens Eder
(Universität Mannheim) organisiert und in Kooperation mit dem ICI
Berlin durchgeführt wird.


International conference IMAGE OPERATIONS

Some images intervene directly in the world and change it in
far-reaching ways. As components of media practices, they generate
events, impacting immediately and concretely on people and bodies.
Image operations such as these are particularly striking in the case
of war, terrorist attacks, and the political campaigns of NGOs – but
also in medicine. The international conference Image Operations brings
together leading scholars to discuss the constitutive role of images
and their ethical implications. The conference is organised by
Charlotte Klonk (Art History, Humboldt University) and Jens Eder
(Media Studies, University of Mannheim), and carried out in
cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Inquiry ICI Berlin.



Thursday, 10 April 2014

13.30 - 14.00
Welcome and Introduction
Jens Eder / Charlotte Klonk

Chair: Horst Bredekamp

14.00 - 14:45
Madness and Montage: The Picture Atlas as Symptom and Therapy from Aby
Warburg to ”A Beautiful Mind“
W.J.T. Mitchell (Chicago)

14:45 - 15:30
The Operating Zone of Images
Marie-José Mondzain (Paris)

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee

Chair: Horst Bredekamp

16:00 - 16:45
WikiLeaks, Collateral Murder and the After-Live of Activist Imagery
Christian Christensen (Stockholm)

16:45 - 17:30
Gorgon Stare and Eyes in the Sky: Drones and the Ubiquity of Vision
Tom Holert (Berlin)

17:30 - 18:00 Coffee

18:00 - 19:00
Trevor Paglen (New York / San Francisco) in Conversation with Isabelle
Graw (Frankfurt a.M.)
Introduction: Stefanie Gerke

19:00 - 20:00 Open Reception

Friday, 11 April 2014

Chair: Christina Landbrecht

9:30 - 10:15
Carpet-Bombing Cyberspace
Timothy Lenoir (Durham)

10:15 - 11:00
The Making of a Martyr - Images of Female Suicide Bombers in Palestine
Verena Straub (Berlin)

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee

Chair: Peter Geimer

11:30 - 12:15
Images of the World, Images of Conflict
Ben O ́Loughlin (London)

12:15 - 13:00
Worldmaking Frame by Frame
Zeynep Gürsel (St. Paul)

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:15
The Hunger Striker: A Case for Embodied Visuality
Bishnupriya Ghosh (Santa Barbara)

15:15 - 16:30 Coffee

Chair: Franziska Solte

16:30 - 17:15
Human Rights Evidence and Live(d) Experience in a Cameras Everywhere
Sam Gregory (Cambridge MA.)

17:15 - 18:00
The Photographic Commons: Resurrection City / Occupy Wall Street
Nicholas Mirzoeff (New York)

18:00 - 18:30 Coffee, Cold Drinks

18:30 - 20:15
Harun Farocki: Ernste Spiele
Introduction: Christina Landbrecht

20:15 - 21:00 Open Reception

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Chair: Michael Hagner

10:00 - 10:45
The skull beneath the Skin: An Introduction to Medical Imaging
David Kaul (Berlin)

10:45 - 11:00 Coffee

11:00 - 11:45
The Image and the Blade: A Tomological History of Vision
Matthias Bruhn (Berlin)

11:45 - 12:30
Inside the Human Body, Digitized: Virtual Endoscopy and the Operations
on the ”High Resolution Patient“
Sven Stollfuß (Mannheim)

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Buffet

Chair: Jens Eder

14:00 - 14:45
The Operating Theater - 2014
Bettyann Holtzmann Kevles (New Haven)

14:45 - 15:30
The Art of Clinical Intimacy: Sensory Imaging in the Surgical Theater
Lisa Cartwright (San Diego)

15:30 - 15:45 Coffee

Chair: Charlotte Klonk

15:45 - 17:00
Final Commentary and Discussion
James Elkins (Chicago)

Program (PDF):

ICI Kulturlabor Berlin
Christinenstraße 18/19, Haus 8
10119 Berlin

CONF: Image Operations (Berlin, 10-12 Apr 14). In:, Mar 7, 2014 (accessed May 5, 2024), <>.
