CFP 28.10.2016

EAHN Fifth International Meeting (Tallinn, 13-16 Jun 18)

Tallinn, 13.–16.06.2018
Eingabeschluss : 12.12.2016

Karin Nugis, Estonian Academy of Arts

European Architectural History Network (EAHN) is organising its fifth pan-European meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, from June 13-16, 2018. In accordance with its mission statement, the meeting aims to increase the visibility of the discipline; to foster transcultural, transnational and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the built environment; and to facilitate the exchange of research results in the field. Although the scope of the meeting is European, members of the larger scholarly community are invited to submit proposals related not only to European architecture but also to that of the rest of the world.

The main purpose of the meeting is to map the general state of research in disciplines related to the built environment, to promote discussion of current themes and concerns, and to foster new directions for research in the field. Session proposals are intended to cover different periods in the history of architecture and different approaches to the built environment, including landscape and urban history. Parallel sessions will consist of either five papers or four papers and a respondent, with time for dialogue and questions at the end. In addition, there will be a number of round-table debates addressing burning issues in the field. Proposals are sought for round-table debates that re-map, re-define or outline the current state of the discipline. They will consist of a discussion between panel members, but will also encourage debate with the audience. The goal is to create a forum for scholars to present and discuss their ideas, research materials and methodologies.

Scholars wishing to chair a scholarly session or round-table debate at Tallinn 2018 are invited to submit proposals by December 12, 2016 to, Dr. Andres Kurg, General Chair of the EAHN Fifth International Meeting, Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, Estonian Academy of Arts, Suur-Kloostri 11, Tallinn 10133, Estonia.

Duties of the chairs of session and of round-tables include: selecting from the proposals submitted for presentation by the agreed deadline; communicating the list of speakers and titles to the conference organisers by the agreed deadline; and submitting material for the proceedings to the conference organisers by the agreed deadline. Chairs will not be eligible for selection as speakers in their own or any other session or round table at the conference.

All chairs and selected presenters and speakers are required to obtain membership of EAHN (available for an annual membership fee at prior to registration at the conference. Chairs are expected to pursue their own institutional or other support for membership, registration, travel and accommodation.

Proposals in English, of no more than 400 words, including a session or round-table title, should summarise the subject and the premise. Please include name, professional affiliation (if applicable), address, telephone, e-mail address and a current CV. Proposals and short CVs should be submitted by e-mail, including the texts in both the body of the mail and as attachments.

Session and round-table proposals will be selected on the basis of merit and the need to organize a well-balanced programme. Please note: preference will be given to proposals from chairs who have not hosted a session in the previous biennial conference (Dublin 2016). The International Scientific Committee may organise additional open sessions, depending on the response to this call.

The complete Call for Sessions and Round-Tables can be downloaded from the Conference website:

CFP: EAHN Fifth International Meeting (Tallinn, 13-16 Jun 18). In:, 28.10.2016. Letzter Zugriff 02.05.2024. <>.
