CFP 08.02.2016

Session at MACAA (Cincinnati, 26-28 Oct 16)

Mid-America College Art Association 2016 Conference, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 26.–28.10.2016
Eingabeschluss : 29.02.2016

Harmony Wolfe, Riverside

Home Making and Art Making: Embodying Studio Shifts

This panel explores the role of home and hospitality in "post-studio" art practices. Art collectives such as Mildred's Lane and homeLA: a performance project are gathering in homes, transforming them into galleries or using bedrooms or backyards as sites of production and welcoming spectators into traditionally private spaces. How is the place of home as a studio transforming art practices? How is this re-configuring a definition of home? How are ideas of hospitality latent or projected through these projects?

In providing a forum for the discussion of the role of home and hospitality in art practices from the perspective of artists, makers, theorists, historians, and designers, this session aims to explore how artistic practices are perhaps re-negotiating home, hospitality and traditions of artist studios. Contributions from fields of art, design, art history, and art education are welcome.

Please send a 250-word abstract and title, with cv, to Harmony Wolfe at

Include your name, address, email address, and institutional or professional affiliation.

Membership to MACAA is required at the time of acceptance.

CFP: Session at MACAA (Cincinnati, 26-28 Oct 16). In:, 08.02.2016. Letzter Zugriff 02.05.2024. <>.
