TOC 30.11.2015

Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 107, 2015

Linda Báez-Rubí, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe

Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas

The journal Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is a biannual publication, specialized in image theory and history of art and esthetics and open to all related disciplines. It includes research papers, critical analyses of documentary testimonies, reports on works of art, news items, biographical sketches, and reviews of publications within the field of artistic production in all its manifestations. Throughout its history, the Anales has included collaborations by reputed scholars from around the world. Between 1937 and 1993 the journal was published once a year, as of 1994 the Anales appears twice a year.

This site provides access to the abstracts and complete articles of all the issues published until now.

Vol. XXXVII, issue 107, year 2015



STACIE G. WIDDIFIELD Y JEFFREY M. BANISTER, Seeing Water in Early Twentieth-Century Mexico City: Henry Wellge’s Perspective Plan of the City and Valley of Mexico, D.F. 1906

VALERIA GUZMÁN VERRI, Aprender a ver. La Autobiografía visual de Otto Neurath

JOSÉ ARMANDO HERNÁNDEZ SOUBERVIELLE, Templos pleurantes del norte. Esgrafiado de tradición mudéjar en cuatro iglesias del septentrión novohispano

IDOIA MURGA CASTRO, Maruja Bardasano: entre la danza y la pintura en el exilio mexicano

Documentary testimonies

RAMÓN GUTIÉRREZ, El proyecto de un palacio virreinal para México del primer arquitecto americano graduado en España

ALENA ROBIN, “Trampantojo a lo divino”: el Nazareno del Hospital de Jesús en Pensilvania

GISELA VON WOBESER, Antecedentes iconográficos de la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe

Biographical Note

Book Reviews
Ministriles novohispanos. Obras del manuscrito 19 de la catedral de Puebla de los Ángeles, CD, comp. Javier Marín López, por JAZMÍN RINCÓN; Francisco López Capillas, Missa en Re Sol-Missa Aufer a nobis. Motetes, CD, comp. Javier Marín López, por JAZMÍN RINCÓN y MANUEL LARA CÁRDENAS

Submission Guidelines for Authors

TOC: Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 107, 2015. In:, 30.11.2015. Letzter Zugriff 04.05.2024. <>.
