CFP 04.09.2015

Reading Architecture (Stirling, 5 Dec 15)

University of Stirling, 05.12.2015
Eingabeschluss : 26.09.2015

Dr Peter Lindfield

Reading Architecture Across the Arts and Humanities

An AHRC-Funded Interdisciplinary Conference University of Stirling, Saturday 5th December 2015

The organisers of this one-day multidisciplinary conference seek to solicit proposals for 20-minute papers that consider the creation, expression and subject-areas across the Arts and Humanities. Papers should seek to address the creation, understanding, circulation and cultural impact of both real and international contexts. Original and creative accounts of how architecture might variously be ‘read’ and interpreted across such disciplines as welcome.

Plenary Speakers: Rosemary Hill and Olivia Horsfall Turner

Possible topics may include, but are by no means limited to, the following:
- Historicism
- Responses to, and recreations of, the architectural past
- Reflections upon architectural styles and ‘movements’
- Assessments of architecture and architectural practices
- Representations of architecture in film
- Architecture and the law
- Antiquarianism and architecture
- Architectural ruin and the tourist industry
- Architectural conservationism
- The politics of architectural form
- Literary representations of architecture
- Lives of architects
- The aesthetics of architectural form
- Historiography
- Architectural Heritage

300-word proposals should be emailed to the conference organisers, Dr Dale Townshend and Dr Peter N. Lindfield — — by 26 September 2015.

The School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Stirling has generously agreed to fund a number of postgraduate travel-bursaries for this event. Please contact the conference organisers for further details.

This conference is the first event in a series of outputs arising from the AHRC-funded project, Writing Britain’s Ruins, 1700–1850: The Architectural Imagination at the University of Stirling (June 2015–December 2016).

CFP: Reading Architecture (Stirling, 5 Dec 15). In:, 04.09.2015. Letzter Zugriff 01.05.2024. <>.
