CFP 08.02.2013

Popular Culture and Post-Socialist Societies (Prague, 18-19 Oct 13)

Prague, 18.–19.10.2013
Eingabeschluss : 15.05.2013

Ondrej Daniel

We would like to invite you to a conference "Listening to the Wind of Change": Popular Culture and Post-Socialist Societies in East-Central Europe
held 18 – 19 October 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic.

We invite researchers to share their papers and panel proposals related to the conference theme, including but not limited to such topics as:

Culture Transfer: Westernization and Commodification of the "East",
Culture of the Post-Socialist New Rich: Continuities with Late State Socialism and Neoliberalism,
Re-traditionalization, Nationalism, Exclusion and Mobilization in Popular Culture,
Fostering Free-market Ideology through Popular Culture,
Conflicting Memories of Anti-/Post-communism in Popular Culture,
Reflections of Sexuality and Gender in Popular Culture,
Exploitation Culture as Reply to Fast Changes in Post-Socialist Societies,
Visual Culture of Post-Socialist Societies of East-Central Europe,
Popular Culture in East-Central Europe as Commodity,
Travelling Cultural Theory (East West).

Deadline for abstracts is 15 May 2013. Deadline for panel proposals is 15 April 2013.

You may find further information here enclosed or at the conference website:

CFP: Popular Culture and Post-Socialist Societies (Prague, 18-19 Oct 13). In:, 08.02.2013. Letzter Zugriff 15.03.2025. <>.
