WWW 25.11.2012

New art historical resources on the web [2]

H-ArtHist Redaktion

New art historical resources on the web:

[1] 2800 ivories accessible online on www.gothicivories.courtauld.ac.uk
[2] Ottoman History Podcast - Art and Diplomacy Between East and West


From: Catherine Yvard
Date: 23.11.2012
Subject: 2800 ivories accessible online on www.gothicivories.courtauld.ac.uk

Dear all,
I am pleased to announce that over 2800 pieces from various collections around the world are now accessible on the Gothic Ivories web site (www.gothicivories.courtauld.ac.uk), which brings the number of online images to a staggering 7,800.
Among the added collections: the Kunstgewerbemuseum in Berlin, the Barber Institute of Fine Arts in Birmingham, the GRASSI Museum fr Angewandte Kunst in Leipzig, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, the Musee de la Chartreuse in Douai, a large part of the collection of the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence, more pieces from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, and many more!
For a full list, see here: http://www.gothicivories.courtauld.ac.uk/insight/yvard_collaboratinginstitutions/yvard_collaboratinginstitutions_01.html
Warmest thanks to all contributing institutions for their invaluable support!
For any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch.
Enjoy and spread the word!

Dr Catherine Yvard
Project Manager - Gothic Ivories Project
Witt Library
Courtauld Institute

From: Chris Gratien <chrisgratiengmail.com>
Date: 24.11.2012
Subject: Ottoman History Podcast - Art and Diplomacy Between East and West

We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce Ottoman History Podcast, as our episode this week pertains to the intersection of art, archaeology and history in Europe, the United States, and the Muslim world.

Launched in Spring of 2011, Ottoman History Podcast is an online radio program dedicated to accessible and academic discussion of new topics in the history, society and culture of the Ottoman Empire and Middle East. Guests and contributors include over 40 scholars and students from a variety of disciplines. Episodes in English and Turkish are released on a weekly basis. For more, visit:

In Episode #81, Emily Neumeier (University of Pennsylvania) talks about the career of Osman Hamdi Bey, one of the foremost figures in late-Ottoman art, and explains recent research to retrace the story of an early work of his that turned up in the Penn museum. In the process we discuss the world of art, archaeology, and diplomacy that this figure inhabited, all accompanied by images of and produced by Osman Hamdi Bey:


Thank you,

Chris Gratien
PhD Candidate
Georgetown University

WWW: New art historical resources on the web [2]. In: ArtHist.net, 25.11.2012. Letzter Zugriff 19.04.2024. <https://arthist.net/archive/4287>.
