ANN 14.05.2024

Study Course Drawings in Theory and Practice (Vienna, 22-26 Jul 24)

Vienna, 22.–26.07.2024
Deadline/Anmeldeschluss: 27.05.2024

Silvia Tammaro

International Study Course - Drawings in Theory and Practice. Connoisseurship – Collecting – Curatorial Practice.

Organized by the Albertina and the Institute of Art History at the University of Vienna with generous support from the Wolfgang Ratjen Foundation.

We are pleased to announce our 6th annual study course on drawings. The course is designed for doctoral students and early post-doc-researchers which are working in the field of drawings and prints, and are interested in exploring curatorial practices. The course offers the opportunity to discuss current research on the graphic arts and, at the same time, to gain insight into one of the most renowned collections of prints and drawings. The course is organized jointly by the Institute of Art History at the University of Vienna and the Albertina and is generously supported by the Wolfgang Ratjen Foundation. Participants are expected to present aspects of their current research in a 30-minute paper. Together we will discuss relevant drawings in the Albertina and gain insight into different curatorial practices: conception and planning of exhibitions, publication of catalogues, conservation and marketing, collecting and provenance research.

Accommodation in Vienna will be covered as well as documented travel costs (economy flight, 2nd class train ticket) up to 350 Euros. The general course language is English, while individual papers can be presented also in German, Italian and French.

The course is directed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schütze.

Applications, including cv, short description of the drawing or print related research project and a reference letter from a university professor, should be send by 27 May 2024 via e-mail to Dr. Silvia Tammaro:

Applicants will be notified by 1 June 2024.

ANN: Study Course Drawings in Theory and Practice (Vienna, 22-26 Jul 24). In:, 14.05.2024. Letzter Zugriff 28.01.2025. <>.
