CONF 22.03.2024

Women Artists and Museums (Zagreb, 26 Mar 24)

Zagreb City Museum, 26.03.2024

Lora Rajčić, Zagreb

International Meeting "Women Artists and Museums: Towards a New Museum of Women Artists" in Zagreb brings together esteemed museum professionals, curators, researchers, and scholars to examine and reflect upon diverse concepts, strategies, and practices of women’s and gender museums, with a specific focus on museums dedicated to women artists. Lectures will provide insight into museums’ origins, visions, and missions as regards aims, strategic objectives, and audience involvement, as well as into collaborations and networks formed locally, nationally, and internationally.

The aim of the meeting is to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the place of museums dedicated to the art of women artists in the landscape of art museums in general and of women’s and gender museums in particular, as well as to promote cooperation and future exchanges between different institutions, practitioners, and researchers.

9:00 — 9:15
9:15 — 9:30

Introductory remarks
Aleksandra Berberih Slana, director
Tihana Puc, curator
9:30 — 11:10, chair: Tihana Bertek
Elke Krasny (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria) - „Patriarchal Epistemic Violence and Museum Activism: Reclaiming the Public Sphere“
11:10 — 11:30
Meral Akkent (Istanbul Gender Museum, Turkey) - „A brief history of women’s museums“


11:30 — 13:10, chair: Leila Topić
Gaby Franger (Museum Women’s Cultures Regional – International, Fürth, Germany) – „IAWM - Focused and Diverse. Platform and Think Tank for Gender Equity“
13:10 – 14:10
Darlene Clover (Faculty of Education, Leadership Studies (Adult Education), University of Victoria, Canada) – „Imagining the feminist imaginary: Feminist strategies of critique and possibility in the museum“

Lunch break

14:10 – 15:50, chair: Vesna Vuković
Bettina Bab (Bonn Women’s Museum, Germany) – „A Museum of One’s Own“
15:50 – 16:00
Harriet Loffler (The Women’s Art Collection at Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) – „Negotiating spaces for women artists and collecting in the 21st century“

Guided tour of the museum „Who is missing?“
Follow the Meeting on Youtube:
For further information, please visit the museum website:,3630.html

Download the program here:
In order to register, please send an e-mail before March 25th to:
Follow the Meeting on Youtube:

CONF: Women Artists and Museums (Zagreb, 26 Mar 24). In:, 22.03.2024. Letzter Zugriff 01.06.2024. <>.
