Umeni / Art LX, 2012, No. 3/4
Journal of the Institute for Art History of the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic
Josef Vojvodik
Vide de corps – tombeau vide. Die Kraft des Abwesenden: Das Kenotaph
für Max Dvořák und die Dialektik des Visuellen von Georges
Pavol Cerny
Romanska madona typu „sedes sapientiae“ z ceske soukrome sbirky
The Discovery of a Sedes Sapientiae Romanesque Madonna in a Private
Czech Collection
Tomas Gaudek
Misal Racka z Birkova. Provenience rukopisu ÖNB cod. 1850
The Missal of Racek of Birkov. Provenance of the Manuscript in the
Austrian National Library, Codex No. 1850
Blanka Kubikova
Il Principe dello Studiolo in Czech Collections: Two Portraits of
Francesco de´Medici
Radka Tibitanzlova – Stepan Vacha
Prazsky malir Matej Zimprecht (1624–1680). Zivotopis umelce v limitech
historicke pameti
Prague Painter Matthias Zimprecht (1624–1680): Biography of an Artist
within the Scope of Collective Memory
Jindrich Vybiral
Der tschechische Kubismus auf dem Markt symbolischer Güter. Ursprung
und Grenzen eines Begriffs der Architekturgeschichte
Michaela Seferisova Loudova
Das Altargemälde aus Dub an der March und eine neugefundene Ölskizze
des Malers Josef Stern
Martina Hrabova
Studium či navsteva? Architekt Karel Hannauer jako zprostredkovatel
zahranicnich vlivu na ceskou avantgardni architekturu
Student or Visitor? Architect Karel Hannauer: A Bridge between Foreign
and Czech Avant-garde Architecture
Peter Vergo
The Eight: A Centenary Exhibition
Anna Habanova
Gabriela Kaskova (ed.), Schattenseiten. August Brömse und Kathrin
Rostislav Svacha
Jane Alison (ed.), The Surreal House
Michaela Janeckova
Martin Strakos, Nova Ostrava a jeji satelity. Kapitoly z dejin
architektury 30.–50. let
Ondrej Hojda
Tomas Valena – Tom Avermaete – Georg Vrachliotis (edd.), Structuralism
Reloaded. Rule-Based Design in Architecture and Urbanism
Acquisitions of Art History Sources
Ceska resume / English Summaries
Published by the Institute for Art History of the Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.
Editorial Office: UDU AV CR, Husova Str. 4, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel., fax: ++4202 222 216 46
TOC: Umeni / Art LX, 2012, No. 3/4. In:, 11.09.2012. Letzter Zugriff 28.03.2025. <>.