CFP 10.07.2020

2 Sessions at UAAC (Online, 15-17 Oct 20)

Eingabeschluss : 31.07.2020

[1] Confronting the “Origin”: The Appropriation and Resilience of Indigenous and Afro Forms in the Americas
[2] Thinking "Latin American Art/Artists" through Flows and Diasporas


[1] Confronting the “Origin”: The Appropriation and Resilience of Indigenous and Afro Forms in the Americas

Modernism has held a complicated position towards Indigenous and African forms. In Canada and the United States, cultural products were copied for their aesthetically ‘primitive’ inspirations or stood in for ‘disappearing’ populations. Throughout Latin America, artists turned to such forms to establish the legitimacy of ‘genuine’ identities or to forge ideals in newly industrializing nations.

What lies at the center of these tactics is the employment of marginalized bodies, propped up by the integration of cultural forms and techniques of Indigenous/First Nations/African nations. This panel aims to recuperate histories that went ignored or were erased under the twentieth-century modernist and vanguard movements. We invite contributions that consider how Afro and Indigenous artists re-appropriated or altered ‘modern’ forms to counter colonial narratives, as well as papers analyzing artists and/or movements in the Americas that were overlooked within a hegemonic legacy of modernism.

Session Chairs:
Carla Hermann / State University of Rio de Janeiro
Jacqueline Witkowski / University of British Columbia

Submissions should include:
- the name of the applicant
- the applicant’s email address
- the applicant’s institutional affiliation and rank
- title of proposal
- a proposal (300 words maximum)
- a brief biography (150 words maximum)

Please use the call for papers form available at


[2] Thinking "Latin American Art/Artists" through Flows and Diasporas

Despite its short existence, the International Biennial of Contemporary Art in South America (BIENALSUR) is redefining the traditional model of biennial exhibitions. With an interest in decentralization, inclusivity, and connections, BIENALSUR takes place simultaneously in various cities across the world. Other than connecting people, ideas and works from five continents, this event represents a unique occasion for Latin American artists, and also for those from the diaspora, to come together. Taking inspiration from BIENALSUR, we seek to “think together” Latin America and Latin American diasporas across periods and geographies. We invite papers that address the historical and contemporary presence of Latin American art/artists outside their geopolitical borders; or question the concept of Latin American art/artist through a focus on flows and interactions of humans, capital, things, data, or natural resources; and are related to any topic on art and artists in Latin America, from pre-Columbian to contemporary times.

We invite 300-word abstracts of the proposed papers to be sent along with a short academic CV to Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda <> and Analays Alvarez Hernandez <> by July 31, 2020.

Submissions must include / Les soumissions doivent inclure :
- the name of the applicant / le nom de l’intervenant·e
- the applicant’s email address / l’adresse courriel de l’intervenant·e
- the applicant’s institutional affiliation and rank / l’affiliation institutionnelle et le titre de l’intervenant·e
- title of proposal / le titre de la communication
- a proposal (300 words maximum) / une proposition de communication (maximum de 300 mots)
- a brief biography (150 words maximum) / une courte biographie (maximum 150 mots)

Submissions must be submitted via the Call for Papers. The form can be found towards the end of the following link : / Les propositions doivent être soumises utilisant le formulaire qui se trouve vers la fin du lien suivant :

Proposals may be submitted by current members or non-members of UAAC. Non-members MUST become members of UAAC and pay registration fees in order to present a paper at the conference. Membership dues and registration fees must be received by September 11, 2020.

More information at

CFP: 2 Sessions at UAAC (Online, 15-17 Oct 20). In:, 10.07.2020. Letzter Zugriff 01.05.2024. <>.
