CFP Sep 17, 2018

Visual and Material Culture in the Early Modern Period (Aarhus, 12-13 Dec 18)

Aarhus University, Denmark, Dec 12–13, 2018
Deadline: Oct 5, 2018

Lisbet Tarp

Junior scholars (PhD students who have obtained their MA degree, postdoc fellows and assistant professors) are invited to submit proposals concerning their ongoing or future projects for a workshop and a roundtable discussion conducted by Prof. Alexandra Walsham (Cambridge University).

The intention is to discuss and improve the participants’ individual research questions, as well as considering general interdisciplinary and methodological issues related to the studies of visual and material culture in the early modern period.

Here are some of the fields which are relevant for this workshop: early modern art history, late medieval studies, material culture studies, Reformation studies, the study of religion, memory studies, the study of spolia, archival studies, archaeology and digital humanities within early modern studies.

The aim of the event is also to stimulate international exchange on a junior level within the fields of early modern studies.

Participants are expected to read a few selected texts, write a paper of 2-3 pages presenting the project prior to the workshop, make a short oral presentation during the workshop, and participate in the excursion and seminar with a lecture by Alexandra Walsham on 13 Dec. Participation will generate 2 ECTS credits from the Graduate School at the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University.

Link to the abstract of Prof. Alexandra Walsham’s lecture ‘Converting the Cross: Monuments, Memory and Time in Post-Reformation England’ on 13 Dec:

5 October - Deadline for submitting proposals (½-1 page)
10 October - Rejection/acceptance of proposals
26 November - Deadline for upload of 2-3 pages of project presentation

The event is financed by the School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, and the LUMEN research center (

Participation is free, and the following expenses are covered:

- Lunch 12 December
- Dinner 12 December
- Lunch during field trip 13 December
- Travel to and from Hornslet Church
- Coffee and tea during the event

NOTE: The participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.


Wednesday 12 December

12.00-17.30 - Presentations and critique
Place: Aarhus University, LUMEN Center

18.00-21.30 Dinner

Thursday 13 December

09.00-13.00 - Excursion: Hornslet Church
14.15-16.00 - Lecture by Prof. Alexandra Walsham
Title of lecture: Converting the Cross: Monuments, Memory and Time in Post-Reformation England
Place: Aarhus University, Langelandsgade 139, DK-8000 Aarhus C, building 1584, Room 124
16.00-17.00 - Reception hosted by the School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University

The lecture and reception on 13 December are free and open to the public.

Contact and proposals:

Dr. Lisbet Tarp and Dr. Laura Skinnebach, Aarhus University

CFP: Visual and Material Culture in the Early Modern Period (Aarhus, 12-13 Dec 18). In:, Sep 17, 2018 (accessed May 17, 2024), <>.
