TOC 21.01.2017

ABE Journal - Architecture Beyond Europe, Issue 9-10, 2016

Ricardo Agarez

ABE Journal is pleased to announce the release of issue 9-10 | 2016.

This issue’s thematic section, guest-edited by Mark Crinson (Birkbeck College, London), is devoted to ‘Dynamic Vernacular’ and includes contributions by Christopher Cowell, Yael Allweil, Ayala Levin and Amanda Achmadi.

Founded in 2012, ABE Journal – Architecture Beyond Europe is a scholarly, double blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of 19th- and 20th-century architecture and urbanism outside of Europe. It focuses primarily on the transfers, adaptations and appropriations of forms, technologies, models and doctrines in colonial and postcolonial situations. Conceived as a place of exchange in an emerging and dynamic field of research, ABE Journal aims to provide a specialist scholarly forum for the discussion and dissemination of ideas relating to architecture in the colonial and postcolonial realms, as well as to local forms of modernism. It publishes articles and contents in five languages (French, English, Spanish, German and Italian) and is edited by the research centre InVisu (CNRS/INHA) in Paris.

Issue 11 | 2017 of ABE Journal is due in June 2017 and features a thematic section on ‘Paradoxical Southeast Asia’, guest-edited by Caroline Herbelin (University of Toulouse II-Jean Jaurès).

Specific calls for thematic section papers are regularly open, with their own schedule of deadlines.

Concurrently, we welcome the submission of papers that fit the remit of the journal while being unrelated to specific thematic sections, as well as of new thematic section proposals, at all times.

All submissions should be sent to

ABE Journal – Architecture Beyond Europe
9-10 | 2016

Thematic section: Dynamic Vernacular

Mark Crinson, 'Dynamic Vernacular-An Introduction'

Christopher Cowell, 'The Kacchā-Pakkā Divide: Material, Space and Architecture in the Military Cantonments of British India (1765-1889)'

Yael Allweil, 'Plantation: Modern-Vernacular Housing and Settlement in Ottoman Palestine, 1858-1918'

Ayala Levin, 'Basic Design and the Semiotics of Citizenship: Julian Beinart’s Educational Experiments and Research on Wall Decoration in Early 1960s Nigeria and South Africa'

Amanda Achmadi, 'The Other Side of Tropical Paradise: Traces of Modernism within the Vernacular Landscapes of Early Twentieth-Century Bali'

Debate section

Vandana Baweja, 'Beyond Alternative Modernities'

Document/sources section

Alice Thomine-Berrada, 'Julien Belloir, Inauguration du canal de Suez – Trône du Vice-Roi d'Égypte
Dissertation abstracts

Fiona Allen, 'Ângela Ferreira’s Maison Tropicale: Architecture, Colonialism and the Politics of Translation'
Nancy Demerdash, 'Tunisia, 1940–1970: The Spatial Politics of Reconstruction, Decolonization, and Development'

Samia Henni, 'Architecture of Counterrevolution: The French Army in Algeria, 1954–1962'
Reviews section

Cole Roskam, 'Robert Nield, China’s Foreign Places: The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era, 1840–1943'

E. Franch i Gilabert, A. Miljački, A. Schafer, A. R. Lawrence, OfficeUS Agenda, Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2014 & E. Franch i Gilabert, A. Miljački, A. Schafer, M. Kubo, OfficeUS Atlas, Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2015

Rika Devos, 'Felicity D. Scott, Disorientation: Bernard Rudofsky in the Empire of Signs'

Sibel Zandi-Sayek, 'Alyson Wharton, The Architects of Ottoman Constantinople: the Balyan Family and the History of Ottoman Architecture'

Pauline K. M. van Roosmalen, 'Laura Victoir and Victor Zatsepine (eds), Harbin to Hanoi: The Colonial Built Environment in Asia, 1840 to 1940'

Murray Fraser, 'Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Architecture Since 1400'

TOC: ABE Journal - Architecture Beyond Europe, Issue 9-10, 2016. In:, 21.01.2017. Letzter Zugriff 09.03.2025. <>.
