CONF 19.05.2016

Aby Warburg 150 (London, 13-15 Jun 16)

London, UCL Institute of Education, Logan Hall and Jeffery Hall, 20 Bedford Way, 13.–15.06.2016

Claudia Wedepohl

Aby Warburg 150. Work. Legacy. Promise

On 13-15 June 2016, the Warburg Institute celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Aby Warburg. At the centre of this commemoration we are holding a conference dedicated to his work and heritage. It will reclaim the centrality of Warburg's thought and vision not only for the London Institute but for the world of international scholarship. A large group of distinguished scholars will discuss the implications of his thought for the history of art, images and cultures. The aim will be not only to illuminate the past, but to reveal the potential of his writings for the debate about contemporary cultural differences as well.

We are grateful to the following organisations for their support for the conference:
Max Kohler Stiftung
Martha Pulvermacher Stiftung
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research / Bilderfahrzeuge Project

Organisers: David Freedberg and Claudia Wedepohl (Warburg Institute)


Monday 13 June
Film screening at the Warburg Institute

11.00 - 12.30
Screening of Aby Warburg: Metamorphosis and Memory (60 minutes. 2016), a film by Judith Wechsler. Judith Wechsler will be present at the screening and will lead a short discussion after the film.
If you wish to attend the film screening please register here:
(Please note that the film screening is free of charge but pre-registration is required as places are limited).

Monday 13 June
Conference proceedings at UCL Institute of Education

14.00 Registration

David Freedberg:
Aby Warburg and the Future of the Humanities

Session 1

Lorraine Daston:
Exempla and the Epistemology of the Humanities

Andreas Beyer:
Serendipity and 'Gute Nachbarschaft'

15.55 Tea

Sigrid Weigel:
Warburg's Reading of Darwin

Christopher Johnson:
Warburg's 'Zwischenraum': Between Hieroglyph and Diagram

Martin Warnke:
The Long Road of Warburg's 'Snail'

17.50 Surprise!

Respondents: Jost-Philipp Klenner and Carolin Behrmann

18.30 Reception

Tuesday 14 June

9.00 Registration

Session 2

Peter Miller:
'Kulturwissenschaft' before Warburg

Horst Bredekamp:
Warburg, Berlin, the Middle Ages

Elizabeth Sears:
First Contact: Panofsky meets Warburg

11.10 Coffee

Quentin Skinner:
Hobbes's Leviathan Frontispiece: Some New Observations

Carlo Ginzburg:
Aby Warburg: Morphology and/or History

Respondents: Philipp Ekardt and Joacim Sprung

13.15 Lunch

Session 3

W. J. T. Mitchell:
Method, Madness, Montage: Aby Warburg to John Nash

Frank Fehrenbach:
Grisaille. The Life and Death of Images

15.25 Tea

Andrea Pinotti:
Variations without Theme: Warburg and the Morphology of the Neutral

Claudia Wedepohl:
Genesis without End: Warburg's 'großes Buch'

Robert Darnton:
How did Books Reach Readers in Eighteenth-Century France?

Respondents: Hans Christian Hönes and Giovanna Targia

17.45 Close

Wednesday 15 June

9:00 Registration

Session 4

Georges Didi-Huberman:
Discharged Atlas: Uprising as 'Pathosformel'

Uwe Fleckner:
Aby Warburg's 'Manet and Italian Antiquity' as Psycho-Intellectual Self- portrait

Anke te Heesen:
Exhibitions: The Cultural-historical Turn of the 1970s

11.05 Coffee

Philippe-Alain Michaud:
Staging the History of Art: Aby Warburg and the Concept of Representation

Kurt W. Forster:
The Past in Gestures, the Future in Memory. The Leipzig Circle of Physiologists and Warburg's Construct of mneme

Respondents: Gerhard Wolf and Linda Báez Rubí

13.15 Lunch

Session 5

Ulrich Raulff:
'Nachleben'. A Warburgian Concept and its Origins

Marina Warner:
Stepping beyond Words: Narratives on the Move in Times of Conflict

15.25 Tea

Martin Treml:
Warburg's 'Bilderatlas': A Tool for the Study of the History of Religion

Cornelia Zumbusch:
'Physik des Symbols'. Aby Warburg and the Energy of Art

Summing up: Anthony Grafton and David Freedberg

18.00 Close

Registration details
Due to the large demand for conference places we are pleased to announce that the conference will now be held in a larger space, the Logan Hall at the Institute of Education, on the first two days of the conference. This means that places can be booked for the first two days of the conference, 13 and 14 June 2016 (see Registration below).

On Wednesday 15 June 2016 the conference will need to remain in the Jeffery Hall at the Institute of Education. As this Hall cannot accommodate as many people, booking has closed for 15 June. For people only able to attend the conference on 13 and 14 June we can offer the following alternatives for viewing the 15 June proceedings:

- We have made special arrangements to live stream the conference proceedings to Germany via the internet. Details of how to access this will be available on our conference web page at:

- The conference proceedings will be recorded and the videos made available on our website approximately one week after the conference.

- There are a limited number of places available on 15 June to attend a live-streaming of the conference proceedings at the Warburg Institute. To register to attend the live-streaming please see below.

R E G I S T E R H E R E:
To attend the Aby Warburg 150 conference on 13 and/or 14 June 2016 at Logan Hall and/or the live-streaming of the conference on 15 June at the Warburg Institute please visit

If you have any queries please email:

CONF: Aby Warburg 150 (London, 13-15 Jun 16). In:, 19.05.2016. Letzter Zugriff 25.04.2024. <>.
