STIP 18.05.2016

5 Fellowships: Ornamentation (Torino)

Bewerbungsschluss: 24.07.2016

Elisabetta Ballaira, Fondazione 1563 per l'Arte e la Cultura

The Study Program on the Age and the Culture of Baroque aims to promote research in this field of knowledge and to open up career opportunities to young scholars at academic and cultural institutions.

In this sense the Foundation has launched from 2013 to 2016 a call for proposals to award fellowships on the Culture of Baroque for young Italian and foreign scholars 35 years old and younger.

This is the fourth edition of the competition on the theme:
"Ornamentation and decoration.The grammar of the orders, the rhetoric of opulence, the appeal to the eye at European Courts (1680-1750)."

Between the late 17th century and the first half of the 18th century, ornamentation and decoration become central at the Courts across Europe.
The peculiar formulations of the various European Courts, that refl ect individual artistic expressions and diversified trends in taste, pursue the definition of a new rhetoric: the association, implementation, and reinvention of the orders; the affirmation or complete redefinition of artistic hierarchies; a new balance between internal and external spaces; new and diff erentiated approaches to the memories of the past. The resulting subjects and shapes become characteristic in their own right and serve as models of variations on set themes that, together, make up whole repertoires in architecture, painting and sculpture as well as in the art of jewelry and in furniture design for the Courts spaces. The centrality of the ornament takes different forms in the culture of the Baroque period, and sweeps across history, literature, philosophy, and music.
Applicants are invited to submit research proposals and original projects that, in the framework of the theme and timeframe presented here, or significant segments thereof, provide a comparative synchronic or diachronic analysis of two or more geographical centers or of limited territories.

Each of the five Fellowships will consist of an annual grant amounting to € 23,000 before tax and other charges. Each Fellowship will last for one year, starting 1st January 2017 and ending 31st December 2017. It may be renewed for an additional quarter, without compensation and upon request of the Fellow, supported by the tutors opinion and subject to approval by the Foundation, that reserves the right to decide on the matter.
A tutor will be appointed by the Foundation as an expert in the selected discipline, in agreement with the grantee, to support the grantee in the research activity and to evaluate the outcomes.
Refunds of documented travel expenses related to the Fellowship project are envisaged for up to € 1,500 per year and must be authorized in advance by the Foundation ("mission procedure") on a proposal by the tutor.

24 July 2016, h 24.00 (midnight)
The 2016 Notice of Competition and the online application forms are available on the Foundation’s website at:

Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo
Registered offi ce: Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 – 10128 Torino
Headquarters: Piazza Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 5 – 10138 Torino
Tel. +39 011 4401401 – Fax +39 011 4401450 –

STIP: 5 Fellowships: Ornamentation (Torino). In:, 18.05.2016. Letzter Zugriff 09.03.2025. <>.
