CONF 06.02.2016

Collecting, Exhibiting and Preserving (Bern, 7-8 Apr 16)

University of Bern, Hauptgebäude, Hochschulstrasse 4, Room 501, CH–3012 Bern, 07.–08.04.2016

Daniela C. Maier

Collecting, Exhibiting and Preserving in Museums of Applied Arts in the Nineteenth Century

In recent times research concerning the history of collections and collecting strategies of nineteenth-century institutions has enjoyed widespread popularity. The Colloquium "Collecting, Exhibiting and Preserving in Museums of Applied Arts in the Nineteenth Century" will place emphasis on a type of institution that has so far been largely neglected, the museums of applied arts.

The papers presented will underline the innovative character of this museum type in the nineteenth century, its influence and interactions as well as its transformation process. Furthermore the conference offers a platform to discuss methodological strategies for the research of museums of applied arts as a collecting institution, not least through transdisciplinary approaches.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

12:00 Arrival and registration

12:30 Welcome and introduction

Miklós Székely (Budapest, Hungary):
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Socially Engaged Acquisition Policy in an Emerging Regional Capital: The Franz Joseph I Museum of Industry of Kolozsvár / Cluj Napoca

Regina Höfer (Bonn, Germany):
Museums of Applied Arts in India in Historical Perspective

Isaline Deléderray-Oguey (Neuchâtel, Switzerland):
What is an Industrial Museum or an Art Industrial Museum in Switzerland (1860–1925)?

15:45 Coffee and Tea (provided)

Klára Nemeckova (Dresden, Germany):
Lehrmittel und Exponat – die Lehrmittelsammlung des Dresdner Kunstgewerbemuseums als flexibles Sammlungskonzept (Teaching Material and Exhibit – The Collection of Teaching Material in the Dresden Museum of Decorative Arts As a Flexible Collection Concept)

Keynote Lecture
PD Dr. Martina Griesser-Stermscheg (Technisches Museum Wien / Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien):
The History of Museum Storage and What We Can Learn From It for Today

Friday, April 8, 2016

Keynote Lecture
Dr. Andrea Meyer (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany):
Contacts and Conflicts – A Transnational Approach to Museums

Julia Bärnighausen (Florence, Italy):
Browsing the Archive. Photography and the Applied Arts at the 2Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz"

Daniele Galleni (Pisa, Italy):
The Galleria degli Arazzi in Florence: Rediscovery and Fortune of the Tapestry Between Fashion and Erudition

12:00 Coffee and Tea (provided)

Thorsten Henke (Hannover, Germany):
Die Sammlung Friedrich Culemann im Museumskonzept Carl Schuchhardts (1859–1943) (The Collection Frederik Culemann and the Early Years of the Kestner-Museum: Carl Schuchhardt and the Idea of a "Kulturmuseum")

Anna Hagdorn (Zurich, Switzerland):
The Museum of Applied Arts of the Nineteenth Century As a Stimulus for Collecting and Exhibiting in East Asian Art Museums

15:00 Event closing

Conference languages: English and German

The colloquium is organised by
Daniela C. Maier and Nora Rudolf

Free admission.
We ask for registration:

With generous support by: Mittelbauvereinigung der Universität Bern

CONF: Collecting, Exhibiting and Preserving (Bern, 7-8 Apr 16). In:, 06.02.2016. Letzter Zugriff 10.03.2025. <>.
