Marian Iconography East and West
Tenth International Conference of Iconographic Studies
Center for Iconographic Studies - University of Rijeka (Croatia) in collaboration with
Study of Theology in Rijeka, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
University of Thessaly (Greece)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Gregorian Pontifical University Rome (Italy)
The conference seeks to explore and discuss recent development in the dialogue between theology, art history, philosophy and cultural theory concerning the iconography of Mary in Eastern and Western art. We welcome academic papers that will approach this subject in an interdisciplinary and methodologically diverse way. The themes and subjects can include the following:
- early representations of Mary
- images of intercession and authority
- devotional iconography
- Mary Mother of God
- Virgin as queen
- Mary as Ecclesia
- Mary and Eve
- Life of the Virgin
- post-Tridentine iconography
- hermeneutical and phenomenological aspects of Mary
Paper proposals should be submitted electronically to
A paper proposal should contain:
1. full name, institution, affiliation, address, phone number(s), e-mail address
2. title
3. abstract (maximum 2 pages – 500 words)
Invitations to participate will be sent out by email before April 15, 2016
There is NO registration fee
Administration and organizational costs, working materials, lunch and coffee breaks during conference as well as all organized visits are covered by the organizers.
All presented papers will be published in the thematic issue of the IKON journal in May 2017.
Please contact us for any additional information.
Contact person:
Sanja Jovanović
Center for Iconographic Studies
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Rijeka
Sveucilisna avenija 4
51 000 Rijeka
CFP: Marian Iconography East and West (Rijeka, 2-4 Jun 16). In:, 07.01.2016. Letzter Zugriff 22.02.2025. <>.