TOC 22.11.2015

Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, vol. 14, issue 3

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Following is the table of contents of the fall issue of Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide:

NCAW Autumn 2015, Vol. 14, Issue 3

Table of Contents

Digital Humanities and Art History, sponsored by The A.W. Mellon Foundation
"Tracing Transformations: Hilton Head Island's Journey to Freedom, 1860–1865"
by Dana E. Bryd, with Tyler DeAngelis

"Statistically Speaking: Central Exhibitors at the Salons of the Rose + Croix"
by Mary Slavkin

"Humor and Social Hygiene in Havana's Nineteenth-Century Cigarette Marquillas"
by Asiel Sepúlveda

"Cartooning in the Age of Realism: Léonce Petit's Les bonnes gens de province and Histoires campagnardes"
by Philippe Willems

"A Venetian Doge in a Yankee Court: Benjamin-Constant's Murals of Venice and Byzantium in the Ames-Webster House, Boston"
by Christopher Carlsmith

New Discoveries
"Portraits, Landscapes, and Genre Scenes: New Discoveries in the 19th-Century Paintings Collection at Columbia University"
by Roberto C. Ferrari

Book Reviews
Academic Splendor: 101 Masterpieces from the Dahesh Museum of Art by Alia Nour
Reviewed by Scott Allan

Greece and Rome at the Crystal Palace: Classical Sculpture and Modern Britain, 1854–1936 by Kate Nichols
Reviewed by Katherine Faulkner

Le Mythe du Retour: Les Artistes Scandinaves en France de 1889 à 1908 by Vibeke Röstorp
Reviewed by Gabriel P. Weisberg

Exhibition Reviews
History Regained: New Aspects to the Provenance of a Painting by Carl Blechen
Reviewed by Marc Fehlmann

Constantin Meunier (1831–1905) Retrospective
Reviewed by Thijs Dekeukeleire
Félix Bracquemond: Impressionist Innovator—Selections from the Frank Raysor Collection
Reviewed by Eric Denker

Paul Durand-Ruel. Le pari de l'impressionisme
Reviewed by Jan Dirk Baetens

Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends
Reviewed by Elizabeth W. Doe

Ireland: Crossroads of Art and Design, 1690–1840
Reviewed by Janet Whitmore

Kongo Across the Waters
Reviewed by Theresa Leininger-Miller

Lumière! Le Cinéma Inventé
Reviewed by Daisuke Miyao

Musée Fin-de-Siècle Museum, Brussels, Permanent Installation
Reviewed by Lisa Smit

TOC: Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, vol. 14, issue 3. In:, 22.11.2015. Letzter Zugriff 09.03.2025. <>.
