CONF 20.04.2015

Chance. Resistance to the art object (Athens, 24 Apr 15)

Athens School of Fine Arts, Ypogio Cinema, Peiraios 256, Athens, Greece, 24.04.2015

Assimina Kaniari

Chance. Resistance to the art object-the resistance of the art object. A discussion.


Drawing on Virilio's text Strategy of Deception (Verso) we will consider strategies of chance in contemporary artistic practice and theory. Convened by Assimina Kaniari, D.Phil Oxford, Lecturer in Art History, Athens School of Fine Arts.

18:30-18:40 Assimina Kaniari (ASFA), “The medium of Chance: introduction and historiography”.
18:40-18:55 Gunalan Nadarajan (Michigan), “Chance, Automated”.
18:55-19:10 Irina Aristarkhova (Michigan), “Chance and the Unconscious”.
19:10-19:20 Ioannis Melanitis (ASFA), “Personifications of chance in art and technology”.
19:20-19:30 Marta De Menezes (Leiden), “The challenging nature of experimental art”.
19:30-19:40 Ellen K. Levy (SVA), “Chance in media art”.

19:40-20:00 Panel Discussion: Contexts and objects of Chance in Contemporary art and Art History.

Note on invited Speakers:

Gunalan Nadarajan (Dean, Stamps School of Arts and Design, University of Michigan)
Irina Aristarkhova (Associate Professor of History of Art and Women’s Studies, Stamps School of Arts and Design, University of Michigan)
Ellen K. Levy (Ph.D., Special Advisor Special Advisor on the Arts and Sciences, IDSVA-Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, School of Visual Arts, New York)
Marta De Menezes (Mst Art History, Oxford University, Ph.D candidate, University of Leiden, Cultivamos Cultura, Director)

All welcome.

CONF: Chance. Resistance to the art object (Athens, 24 Apr 15). In:, 20.04.2015. Letzter Zugriff 20.04.2024. <>.
